
This looks great :applause: I took a break from mission building and will slowly returning to it, have some more missions planned from the Japanese side that I would like to finish before maybe going to the ETO.
Weren't those drop tanks also used as the basis for that "fast ambulance/evac" pod for a wounded man? Or maybe a smaller tank? From pictures I saw this looks scary as hell...
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Yes, and there's also a version with a glass front for a cameraman - that was used to film some F4U strikes at Okinawa!!!

The photo seems to show one of these pods under the port wing, but nothing at all under the starboard wing. Must have made for interesting trim to hold level flight... :dizzy:
I just discovered that my version 3.5.99 FRAPS does NOT work in Widdows11 anymore with the latest update (thank you very much Micro$oft)! I will try another screensot utility that I have saved and post the results.


Asymmetric payloads were more common than you think...


... "Vampire Squadron" has a slew of missions out of Stirling from the early/mid-'44 period with one tank & 1 x 500lb bomb as a payload.
Never seen this sort of rocket launchers. Were they a field modification?
I like this snake paint scheme!
Never seen this sort of rocket launchers. Were they a field modification?
I like this snake paint scheme!
459th fighter squadron used them against JAP fortifications in Burma during the autumn of '44.

Check out ACWai's P-38 thread for more screenshots of 459th squadron schemes.
