SECTIONF8 Sabre released !

Fabulous !!!! I got it, it's absolutly amazing !!!

Thanks a lot to Jan Visser and is team for this beautiful bird ! Congratulations !!!

"Il est superbe" ;)

Ahhhhh what a pisser. Waited all night until 2am, got up at 6am, still nothing. Now it is available but I cannot download because of the bandwidth hit on Avsim. :banghead:

Please, is there a way to get the files set up here or another location so there is greater availability?
Yep, not surprising at all.
I wouldn't be at all shocked if it broke the server.
Can't think of anything ever that had this kind of anticipation and excitement.
I know! Last time I looked, it was up to 1799 downloads for the base package - amazing for only a couple of hours being up!
Thank you Tim.
Although I have never had the honor of meeting Mr Shipley, I have seen his plane. This will be a nice addition to the model.
I am still hoping Bob will do a version of FU-222 for us (me). Wyatt was a friend of mine it would mean a lot to me.
Avsim is getting a bit overwhelmed, took several tries just to get the download started and it will take an hour to download.
Judging by the numbers every time I refresh, the main pack is averaging something close to a d/l every second!

Here's my results:
If Jan will give me permission.


Model and texture files will not be included of course (just copy over from your install and covert to DXT3 for better frame rates, not GREAT frame rates, just better) :)

Check your PM, Lightning. Thanks, looking great ! :ernae:

Jarvis, once it is up and I download it, do you want me to upload it to one of my highspeed servers and put a link out here for you guys? For free of course, I just need your permission :)

Check your PM, Jay, thank you very much for your generous offer, Sir ! :ernae:

Thank you Jan and the rest of the crew at SectionF8 for this amazing gift! I cannot thank you enough for all of your hard work and obviously your love that you put into this aircraft. I have enjoyed a number of flights in the aircraft thus far. Thankfully I knew that the Sabre had an emergency gear release button, as on my second landing my gear got stuck due to being just a bit over the minimum speed, and popping the emergency button got the gear down and I was very impressed to see that the gear doors also fly down and then stay down, just like they would due to the hydraulic pressure being released - it saved me from bending an aircraft on my very first day flying it. :d

It sure is fast when compared to flying a prop driven fighter consistently for the last year. Conducting a display performance is very different between flying say a Mustang compared to flying the Sabre. A good example of a Sabre display is featured here - note the power changes for each maneuver:

Thank you for the repaint Tim! Shipley actually sold the Sabre earlier this year, which was rather a shock, but it has allowed Ed to venture elsewhere. It now belongs to the Friedkin's. It is one of the most beautiful Sabre's I have ever seen, as was the late Wyatt Fuller's example.
Thanks for all the nice comments, gentlemen !:wiggle:

Sorry that the download is a bit troublesome at the moment. I'll give uploading here at SOH another try right NOW ! Fingers crossed ! :cool:

JayKay might also come to the rescue ! :mixedsmi:

Jan, this aircraft is outstanding in every aspect! It makes me want to call in sick for work today. Can't wait for more flying with it tonight.

Cheers! Mike Tyler :ernae:
All those getting errrs and "No Page Found" messages... Those are just Avsim's equivilant to's "No nodes Available" message. Do the same thing... back page, let it try again. Sometimes it might take a couple tries, but you'll get it. :isadizzy:

Thanks Jan and crew for a fantastic aircraft. Just took my first flight at Nellis, managed a complete flight, full fuel take off, drop tanks, do some mild aerobatics, and RTB without pranging it. AWESOME!
A good example of a Sabre display is featured here - note the power changes for each maneuver:

WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! A*M*A*Z*I*N*G video there, John ! Thanks very much , mate !!! :applause::applause::ernae:

You sure know your internet links, dontcha !!! :d

Wish i had it before creating the internal soundsuite. Wonderful to hear what the mike picks up underneath that canopy during flight. I'd say that's about 80% environmental and 20% engine.... I'd also say deminish what the mike pics up with 70% and we'll have an approx of what Ed hears during flight underneath his HGU-55.

Of course the P-1/4 series is quite a different kettle of fish to put on. :d

Thanks for the kudos, John, and thanks again for the link to this marvelous video. Enjoyed it a LOT !! :jump:

A second thanks :applause: :medals:





Uuuuuuug, still no joy on the download. The link appears inoperative now. The skins downloaded in less than 12 mins. I dunno, hopefully I will be able to fly it in a day or two!
Can't find the right words. Fantastic , outstanding, GREAT !!! Thx for this :applause::ernae:

But one little question ... :kilroy:... will there be a repaintkit available for this beauty ??? Can't wait to fly it in german liveries.
