SECTIONF8 Sabre released !

Testing for about 1 1/2 hours now... all I can say is: fantastic work !! this thing looks incredibly good and flies as realistic as the fantastic TU 154M, which was my "flying characteristics favourite" before ...

Have to have a look through the manual now, to fly it even more realistic !

The only thing to criticize up to now is a slight stuttering in FPS although the overall FPS - rate is outstanding good ! wonder how that comes !?

Anybody with similar problems here ? or rather a kind of personal problem ? anyway a minor thing ...

Thanks again for upcoming lots of hours of pure fun !!!

first off, thank you for the beautiful aircraft!

however, i'm also getting this FPS problem. It'll jump around like crazy (see screenshots) making flying impossible. I dont have this problem w/ any of my other planes (most xp services are shut down as well as any firewall/virus software).

My framerate is set at unlimited, and w/ all other planes, it stays around 60-80fps without much jumping around. This one will dip down to 10fps sometime and jump back to 100fps. Very strange.

I'll look into it more and see i can isolate the problem (turn off gauges, sounds, etc).

thanks again for this amazing bird!

first off, thank you for the beautiful aircraft!

however, i'm also getting this FPS problem. It'll jump around like crazy (see screenshots) making flying impossible. I dont have this problem w/ any of my other planes (most xp services are shut down as well as any firewall/virus software).

My framerate is set at unlimited, and w/ all other planes, it stays around 60-80fps without much jumping around. This one will dip down to 10fps sometime and jump back to 100fps. Very strange.

I'll look into it more and see i can isolate the problem (turn off gauges, sounds, etc).

thanks again for this amazing bird!


Feng, setting your frame rate to unlimited is probably your problem. Drop it back to about 30 for FS9 and 20 for FSX, you'll do much better. I use all the VOZ tweaks in FS9 and am slowly working around my own tweaks for FSX. But either way, both perform much better with no stutter or hesitation when set at a reasonable frame rate.

My FR's drop when turning (FSX problem!) from 26 in straight and level to 14-18, very odd. A straight in approach is fine, but any element of turn to correct for wind slows it down. Anybody found the pitot heater switch in the VC?
i'm having a few issues with framerates too - I'm pretty sure it is due to the smoke because my system hates effects.

Is there a recommended way of removing the smoke trail?

Other that it's beautiful, I'm really looking forward to flying it loads.
I had a frame rate issue but converting all the textures including those in the main texture folder to DXT3 helped me. No other issue except the Active Camera issue.
Osan AB :d

Anyone want an AI configuration for these beauties? I'll gladly post it.
(Still at 26 FPS all sliders maxed to the nuts in these shots, but I've got a not too shaby rig so YMMV)

Ok guys I have uploaded the AI files here and at

File name "AI F-86"

Remember, this is NOT by a long shot an aircraft designed for AI so don't put a hundred of em on your favourite airfield and expect anything but a slide show.
I have a bunch at my local field and it's just fine, but YMMV.
It now flys fine as an AI.
The auto-slats work.
The exhaust smoke works.
The engine heat works.
They are just fun!

Thanks to all the team for this GREAT freeware plane. It works swell in FSX too. I only have it in FSX. I have added camera views in mine. Best regards, Bob.
To all involved in the SectionF8 team for this incredible Sabre, a huge thank you :applause::applause:

I've just spent an hour flying and marvelling at this awesome model.

I love it.

Thanks again.
