SECTIONF8 Sabre released !

Finally got it to download from Avsim, after 6 tries and it still took almost a 1/2hr....but worth every second of the wait. Congratulations to the entire team, you've produced an amazing aircraft, easily the equal of any payware I've seen yet.
Thank You All

"THANKS" is such an understatment, but THANKS! Jan and the entire SectionF8 TEAM.

Over 3600 downloads already, as of a few minutes ago. You just gotta keep hitting the back button, it'll get ya one.
Took her out of Edwards for a quick spin. Just incredible! Thanks!
What we need is a tread on "what you did during the download." :costumes:

While downloading I took a shower... got dressed... went grocery shopping... took care of the cat.. and play 50 hands at Solitaire. :d

It was well worth it. Now that I have it, and have flown it, it is truly a great labor of love. Thanks to the Section8 Team for their splendid efforts. :medals::medals::medals:

Add a few huzzahs to the chorus!!!

Congratulations to Jan, Rob, Hansjorg and Cliff. To the top of the ranks you go...
Many thanks, worth every minute of the wait.

I too, however have noticed that I cannot get Active Camera to work with the approach view (maybe the canopy is blocking it)?

Also, is there any way to turn off the red letters at the top (the ones that show the flaps, gear etc.?)

It's okay if not, but if there is a command to do so, I'm just asking...

I think I killed 3 or 4 engines before I finally got the startup right :redf:

Great plane and simulation! Thanks!
I met Ed when he stopped in Burlington VT 2 summers ago on his way back from the Bagotville airshow. He didn't have any $1 bills so I bought him a soda out of the machine at work. I got a USAF heritage flight patch out of the deal...

And the jet itself... Sorry about the quality.... I took it through the window.


Im D/L mine from Avsim now, good thing its a public holiday here in New Zealand :d
Testing for about 1 1/2 hours now... all I can say is: fantastic work !! this thing looks incredibly good and flies as realistic as the fantastic TU 154M, which was my "flying characteristics favourite" before ...

Have to have a look through the manual now, to fly it even more realistic !

The only thing to criticize up to now is a slight stuttering in FPS although the overall FPS - rate is outstanding good ! wonder how that comes !?

Anybody with similar problems here ? or rather a kind of personal problem ? anyway a minor thing ...

Thanks again for upcoming lots of hours of pure fun !!!
An absolutely amazing piece of freeware!! Actually still pinching myself that it is freeware!!!

Thanks a million for a great plane - :ernae: