Leuk hè Jan, je krijgt wat je verdient na al dat werk.R.
Of je 'n emmer leeg gooit !
Dat houd de moed er in, Rob ! :mixedsmi:
Thanks a lot again for all wonderful reactions, folks ! We really thought we had something nice going with our freeware FS Sabre Project but we didn't expect this overwhelming positive feedback ! :isadizzy:
Keeps the batteries running !! If all goes well there's a LOT more to come.
A Paintkit is in the works for starters.
Thank you all again,gents !
How do you get it to work in FSX? I'm am downloading it know and am wondering if anyone has been able to fly it in FSX.
1) It's not made for FSX so FSX isn't support isn't offered.
2) There is a thread in our FSX sub-forum with some individuals who've had limited success with it..