A great aircraft, replicated to perfection in FS for us all to enjoy, and that for a good price.


Flying between the clouds is just to much fun, feeling as being on cloud 9.:d:d
Thanx to all of the Section F8 team for this priceless gift.

Starting these old jet engines is tricky.
If performed wrong, the engine will

with fire.
To have a successfull start it is very important to monitor EGT constant, and keep it under the limit of 750 degrees C.
This is done by moving the THROTTLE a little forward from OFF towards IDLE.
Moving the THROTTLE in the range between OFF and IDLE works like a mixture control, giving more or less fuel to the engine, increasing or decreasing EGT.
The trick is to move the THROTTLE to have the desired EGT, and not exceed the limit.
At the end of the start the THROTTLE should be in the IDLE position.
Refer the files REFERENCE, section B-8,
and CHECKLIST, section 4 for details on starting.
Hope this helps you not burning any more engines.