SECTIONF8 Sabre released !

Amazing how you guys got this plane so detailed without turning it into a resource hog. No payware designer ever has to start on an F-86 again. It just wont sell.

If all other Sabre and Fury variants are going to be this detailed you will have many more months of work ahead.:isadizzy:
One question about this glorious thing. Today I started it the first time according to the checklist. Unfortunately the engine doesn`t spool up correctly, instead I get a warning horn, the EGT is rising to the end of the scale and the engine fire warning lites up. What am I doing wrong ? My attempts are accordingly page 10 of the manual ... anyone who could help, please ?!
A great aircraft, replicated to perfection in FS for us all to enjoy, and that for a good price.:applause::ernae::applause:
Flying between the clouds is just to much fun, feeling as being on cloud 9.:d:d

Thanx to all of the Section F8 team for this priceless gift.:medals::medals:


Starting these old jet engines is tricky.
If performed wrong, the engine will :pop4: with fire.

To have a successfull start it is very important to monitor EGT constant, and keep it under the limit of 750 degrees C.
This is done by moving the THROTTLE a little forward from OFF towards IDLE.
Moving the THROTTLE in the range between OFF and IDLE works like a mixture control, giving more or less fuel to the engine, increasing or decreasing EGT.
The trick is to move the THROTTLE to have the desired EGT, and not exceed the limit.
At the end of the start the THROTTLE should be in the IDLE position.

Refer the files REFERENCE, section B-8,
and CHECKLIST, section 4 for details on starting.

Hope this helps you not burning any more engines.:icon_lol:
I had this as well at first.

This is working according to instructions: you need to first shut down fuel (with ctrl-shift-F1 if I am correct, with the mixture lever on my installation), then you can perform the startup sequence, opening up fuel (crtl-shift-F4 or mixture level) when sufficient RPM is reached.

Fuel shut down and throttle are performed on the same throttle lever on the real sabre (with an idle and a cut-off position) - I need two with my installation.

Is that clear? Not sure...
Okay, thanks Folks ... I will have an other try now, according to Your suggestions ... hopefully it will work out ! I relly condemn engine starts by pressing Shift+E :icon_lol: ...
Dogstar_Reloaded said:
One question about this glorious thing. Today I started it the first time according to the checklist. Unfortunately the engine doesn`t spool up correctly, instead I get a warning horn, the EGT is rising to the end of the scale and the engine fire warning lites up. What am I doing wrong ? My attempts are accordingly page 10 of the manual ... anyone who could help, please ?!

You moved the throttle stick too rapidly towards IDLE. You are on a save side, if you position it halfways between OFF and IDLE (tooltip should show approx. 50% fuel regulation) after activating the starter. After engine has started, advance to IDLE.
Thanks Leonhard ... now I´m getting closer ... it`s not perfect yet, but anyway successful :ernae: ! sometimes its hard, being so close to reality :icon_lol: ...
"Limited" success ? I have yet to see where the limits are.
The only thing that need to be done is to edit 3 canopy textures to make them transparent again, nothing else. The gauges and buttons seem to work, but I have yet to read the manual to understand them all.

Jan will tell you it's not for FSX...

But if you're happy, that's all that matters...:mixedsmi:
Got it loaded up, put in the skin addons and wrung it out. This is an OUTSTANDING sim model. The cockpits are picture perfect and fully functional. Easy to read gauges and they are accurate. The animations are excellent and the performance is great. On my first take-off, the gear hung at 17% to go. That was because I was at too high an airspeed when I started the sequence. The model is stable and seems to follow expected behaviors when pushed to the edge of the envelope. Trims up nicely, accelerates and decelerates realistically (speed brakes work great). The exteriors are among the best I have EVER seen. Nice reflective qualities and panels modeled in multiple metallic tones. This is better than almost all the payware I have in my system. absolutely a MUST HAVE airplane. I didn't make any screenshots because I haven't mastered that on my three screen setup. Downloaded the AI versions too, but haven't set up any base or flights for them. I may have missed something, but is the manual available as a download? I am a slow learner on a lot of things and usually print out any manuals to refer to when I get a hang-up. Thanks Jan and crew this is a real beauty and should win lots of awards on the websites. :applause:
Got it loaded up, put in the skin addons and wrung it out. This is an OUTSTANDING sim model. The cockpits are picture perfect and fully functional. Easy to read gauges and they are accurate. The animations are excellent and the performance is great. On my first take-off, the gear hung at 17% to go. That was because I was at too high an airspeed when I started the sequence. The model is stable and seems to follow expected behaviors when pushed to the edge of the envelope. Trims up nicely, accelerates and decelerates realistically (speed brakes work great). The exteriors are among the best I have EVER seen. Nice reflective qualities and panels modeled in multiple metallic tones. This is better than almost all the payware I have in my system. absolutely a MUST HAVE airplane. I didn't make any screenshots because I haven't mastered that on my three screen setup. Downloaded the AI versions too, but haven't set up any base or flights for them. I may have missed something, but is the manual available as a download? I am a slow learner on a lot of things and usually print out any manuals to refer to when I get a hang-up. Thanks Jan and crew this is a real beauty and should win lots of awards on the websites. :applause:

It's a difference in high performance jets as opposed to a light GA type aircraft that on takeoff at rotation, the aircraft is accelerating through the rotation and through the flap and gear retraction sequence. Generally speaking, the name of this game is to rotate, make absolutely sure you have a positive pitch rate indicated on the VSI, then hit the gear and flaps up fast before you max the Vg or Vfe whichever comes first.
The thing to remember here is that you won't get the sink back into the runway you might get with a flap retraction in say your vanilla Cessna 150 or 172. The airplane is acellerating too much to allow it.
Just hit the gear and flaps and keep right on trucking :))
I just flew it and i absolutely LOVE it!!!!!:jump::jump::jump: Thank you VERY MUCH!!!!!:applause::applause::applause::applause::applause: Just imagine what I would have to pay if it was payware!
Holy cow, almost 10,000 download (Attempts) after the first day!

:applause: :ernae: :medals:
I was hitting F5 every few seconds when it first went active on AvSim, and it was running nearly one d/l every second! It's no wonder the d/l speeds were comperable to my old dialup connection!:isadizzy:
Two questions after a long day, spent with flying :jump:... :

1. After landing, when shutting down the engines and attempting a new engine start, I encounter always high EGT and the fire warning. Bug, realism, or just an operating error ?

2. The ADF - Needle in the Radiocompass doesn`t display any ADF - direction ... and I have no idea about the reason ...!?
just installed it and ... what a beauty !
it was a long wait but absolutely worth it .
thanks to the whole team for such an awesome plane :ernae::ernae::ernae:
This plane is awesome. One of the best I have seen for fs9. I can see a lot of flight time in this one.