SECTIONF8 Sabre released !

I'm really so happy to see this reaction, too. Even though I had no part of the development, I knew it would be positively received, and it sure as hell was! :ernae: One of the most spectacular FS releases ever, if not the most! :ernae:
We could use more quality of aircraft in our flight sims of this caliber. The exceptional realism of photo quality VC with so many operable guages, swithces and flight realism is amazing. Probably the finest full flight VC I have had the pleasure to fly. Others are close like MAAM's B-25 and Shockwave's P-51 & P-47.
AND IT WAS FREE ! ! ! !:isadizzy:
Other flight sim add-on developers have had their 'bar' raised significantly I believe.:ernae:

I have to say that your screenshot post of the Royal Dutch AF fictional Q-385 is one of the most realistic I've seen. Great shot!:applause::applause::applause::applause:

My FR's drop when turning (FSX problem!) from 26 in straight and level to 14-18, very odd. A straight in approach is fine, but any element of turn to correct for wind slows it down. Anybody found the pitot heater switch in the VC?

"Frame rate hit when turning". I just determined if i put the magnet compass on setting "failed" in the FS menu there is no more frame
rate hit anymore. this things may fail and there is still the standby one.
Cheers and thanks for this great aircraft.

I have to say that your screenshot post of the Royal Dutch AF fictional Q-385 is one of the most realistic I've seen. Great shot!:applause::applause::applause::applause:


:mixedsmi: thanks LDF, thanks :wavey:


thank you ! I try it and active camera now work perfectly !

merci beaucoup

Gill from france
I know I am a little late but I just installed this plane last night. What a fantastic piece of work. I think I did more belly landings than gear landings but what a refreshing departure from the norm to have to actually fly the plane correctly or suffer consequences. As good as this model looks in FS9 I can only imagine how much better it will look in FSX. My congratulations and thanks go out to all the people that had a hand in delivering this aircraft to the flight simming community. :applause::applause::applause::ernae:

Hi Thunderbolt,

Where did you get that terrific looking scenery?
There is some pretty amazing stuff there. ;)

-cliff presley

Thank you very much for this outstanding package, man I love the SAAF repaint! Since I am a SAAF fan myself hehe

Can't wait for the rest of tha Sabres and especially the SAAF variants and repaints!:cost1:

Let add to the accolades.

A great piece of work. You guys know you could be making money in the future yes?

For those who have a real passion for the F-86, I thought I would offer another link. This is a thread which has been going on for a while now over at the 'WIX', involving the work which takes place in order to keep an F-86 flying. It offers a very detailed, 'gear-head' look into the inner workings and outward beauty of the F-86 up-close.

Be sure to page all the way through...there are many pages! dear friend, you have put out some really nice screenshots...whow!!!

How about some new F-86 repaints for the future?
Let's team up once again!

So here is a humble selection of my own...
(JaBoG (FBW) 38 repaint bei Frank Felix)

