SECTIONF8 Sabre released !

Thanks P, but I'm brand new to Vista, where do I find that???
Hey guys, I am missing the textures for some of the landing gear assembly ( wheels, etc) and some of the VC. I have read and re-read, and have un-installled and re-installed the aircraft 3 times, no joy. I am using Vista if that matters. What am I doing wrong? Any help appreciated....:banghead:


You might first try opening up again the folder.
In it you will see four yellow folders:


Open up the texture folder and copy all the bitmaps inside it.
Next open up the Main Flight Simulator9 Texture folder and paste the bitmaps inside it.
That should do it. ;)

A special thanks to John, b24 witchcraft, Torsten, lilduckfoot2, bully707, klarm and Mike for your comments.
For some folks that repaint is probably a bit extreme looking but it's nice knowing that a few at SOH liked it.

cliff ;) :icon29:
Try turning off DX10 preview mode in Vista...
He is using FS9..., not FSX...
It looks to me like you have repeatedly installed it wrongly... like you are missing the textures that should go in the main FS9 texture folder...
check to see if you have any files named "f86jv*.bmp" in your %FSRoot%\texture folder...

If you do have those textures in your %FSRoot%\texture folder, I don't know what to tell you... make sure you have DXT texure compatibility enabled in your video card? That might be it...

Ohio Mike 51-2824

Hi all,

I just uploaded this re-paint here at the Outhouse and AVSIM as well. This paint represents the Sabre flown by Captain James Robinson "Robbie" Risner of the 336th FIS, 4th FIW during the Korean war. Risner was 12th on the list of highest scoring US pilots with 8 victories. If you've watched the History channel's "Dogfights" programs you've no doubt seen the one featuring Risner. He chased a Mig-15 down a dry river bed and into enemy territory before shooting him down over an enemy airbase. He then pushed his wingman's disabled Sabre back to friendly territory by sticking his plane's nose into the wingman's exhaust nozzle. Pretty cool stuff! I hope you enjoy the repaint.

Awesome repaint Mike! I'd like to see a skin for the F-86 flown by USMC WWII and Korea double Ace John Bolt.

Mike :applause:
I'm not one for karosene burners, but I'll be having fun with this!

What a great plane! And it's Freeware!!!!:isadizzy:
Want to add my thanks for this superb freeware bird. Great job on a real classic. :applause: :applause:

Many thanks also to the painters who have provided more visual fun to this beauty! :medals:

Thanks guys!! Outstanding!! do I get into the repainting click for this jet? I would really like to get my hands dirty but it seems to be a secret as to where the paint kit is. If there isn't one out are we doing these repaints? :banghead: do I get into the repainting click for this jet? I would really like to get my hands dirty but it seems to be a secret as to where the paint kit is. If there isn't one out are we doing these repaints? :banghead:

There is no paint kit current available or any secret to how others are doing the repaints.
They are simply making an effort to use their own imagination by modifying one of the
original texture sets that came with the F-86E/F download until a kit becomes available.
Rather than complain, take some time and try it yourself, it's not that difficult.


PS: Jan is working on a paint kit.