SECTIONF8 Sabre released !

A question


Does anybody have an idea what scenery add-on package Torsten used when making these screenshots?

I am all ears.


Cliff p. :rolleyes:





Well, the Sabre's just amazing :ernae: Having read the manual I haven't bent it once yet, (not counting about 50 engine fires until I learned to start it:isadizzy:) but I'm delighted to see no hydraulic failures, no flame outs in flight...hehehe ... now on to learning the autopilot....

But do you know what's really extroadinary? It's been out for over a week, thousands of downloads and not one bug report.... That's just another reason why the wait was worthwhile!

Ok, I am going to chime in again... this thing... I LOVE this aircraft, absolutely LOVEEEE IT!!!

PS Jan, you have a PM :)

Does anybody have an idea what scenery add-on package Torsten used when making these screenshots?

I am all ears.


Cliff p. :rolleyes:

Cliff the first two was Martha´s Vineyard, Aerosoft;
the second two was on Portland, Flightzone;
the last was on Marlborough, GODZONE - REAL NEW ZEALAND. :d
German Repaint "JG72"

Good day,

Have tried numerious times to load the new texture into FS 2004 ..... with no luck !!

1) Cut & Paste Texture File into Sabre folder

2) Cut & Paste Text into Config File & change the number etc !

...... what am I missing ? no problem loading any of the previous repaints.

CAN'T WAIT !!!!:banghead:
Adding my Thank You and Praise

Wow! Way to go. Like all the rest, I am truly impressed and must add my thank you's. This is so much fun to fly. An absolute masterpiece.

I actually just stumbled upon it from the PIN in this forum. I have enjoyed ROb Young's work going back to the olf Fly! V.88 models.

Thanks again to the Section F8 team for all your hard work. I have already gotten hours of enjoyment out of the model and I know I am just scratching the surface.
Hi there!

I mentioned this already in flyboys thread, still I wanted to let you folks over here know as well.
Due to imput by Torsten (Thunderbolt) and other users there has been a 2nd fix for my GAF repaint (JG72, early 1960s).

The rescue arrow, the emergency escape roundel and the Iron Crosses have been either completely exchanged or realigned.

Good day,

Have tried numerious times to load the new texture into FS 2004 ..... with no luck !!

1) Cut & Paste Texture File into Sabre folder

2) Cut & Paste Text into Config File & change the number etc !

...... what am I missing ? no problem loading any of the previous repaints.

CAN'T WAIT !!!!:banghead:

??? It works man. Perhaps you have forgotten to copy the "rest of the files" from the texture folder into the "new repaint folder"

Or check the cfg entrys again and again. Maybe there is a problem ??? (model or ui variation)

Great looking repaints so far!
Here are my first attempts, with pics taken in FSX, as my FS9 died suddenly..