For those who have a real passion for the F-86, I thought I would offer another link. This is a thread which has been going on for a while now over at the 'WIX', involving the work which takes place in order to keep an F-86 flying. It offers a very detailed, 'gear-head' look into the inner workings and outward beauty of the F-86 up-close.
Be sure to page all the way through...there are many pages!
John, thanks for the link to this totally amazing forum post about the WHF Sabre maintenance progess ! Simply the best a humble aircraft modeler could ever wish for, isn't it !

Our Cliffi is in close contact with the WHF organisation and he managed to get them to provide us with some special photos to use for our FS Sabre model. This forum is a must read for any F-86 afficionado and i have enjoyed doing so again just now for the umpteenth time ! Hehe :d
How's your fantastic Mustang pet project coming along, John ? Can't wait for its release, the screenies look superb !!!

Cheers and thanks again,