Charter Member
I'm a long time member here and am now a G2 user.
I did recently upgrade my video card to a rtx 4080 (prior had a 1080 Ti). I also use a 12700K cpu. So now I've got a high end PC.
Outside of big cities I can run 45-60 fps in VR with medium-high settings (I started using DLSS and it's okay - I just use the zoom in feature for glass cockpits). I can go higher but then it's not as smooth. I run 150 LOD in this area.
In large cities with payware I get about 25-35 depending on if I drop some settings to medium. I run 100 LOD in this area.
There is a discolored spot on my right lens so I'm a little bummed about that. I'm not certain if it came that way but I've noticed it for the last few weeks. It's small but noticeable against a brighter sky or area of the image.
This afternoon I had an extremely rare time to fly without kids needing me hehe - I shot a bunch of approaches in the Minneapolis area with the FSW C414. I also use dual TDS GTN 750Xi's because the touch screens are so much more effective when in VR. If flying in USA they also provide me with charts and metar (metar is worldwide as well) - so that pretty much takes care of all my flying needs. I have yet to fly VR online but am very excited. Anyway the flight today near MSP (I actually did IAPs at 21D, STP, SGS and FCM) was my best yet. I had about 35-40 fps at all times and it was in and out of snow and icing. I frequently inflated the boots because of ice buildup. To lookout at my left wing as see the "depth" in VR is incredible.
Downsides of VR are definitely still the clarity. In previous years I had tried an Occulus Rift at a friends' house using P3D and DCS. (DCS is the superior experience btw). The OR had the classic "screen door effect" and I didn't care for it. P3D wasn't very nice. DCS was a lot better but still not great. Today with my G2 and the 4080 I have the DCS F16 and AH64D Longbow. Both are phenomenal in VR! But about MSFS - I'd definitely consider a headset upgrade possibly to the Pimax Crystal at some point. Even at 100% render, the G2 is still a little low res... feels like 1080i at best. Unless you're looking right at a gauge, most gauges in the peripheral are somewhat fuzzy. Still the depth perception received from VR outweighs this issue IMO.
Here's a pic I took with my phone of the lens...it was from the first day of VR use and I was still learning. It's not quite this bad with the headset on but there is most definitely a lack of focus outside of a small focal point radius. The little ramper and the cone is sort of the focal point for context.
Oh, I also got my G2 for half off on Black Friday sale about 350 USD or so with tax.
Blah a lot of rambling! But with the old 1080 Ti it was acceptable with low settings. With the new 4080 I get about double the fps with double the settings - well worth it!
VR_FT_KBOS_sm by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr
I did recently upgrade my video card to a rtx 4080 (prior had a 1080 Ti). I also use a 12700K cpu. So now I've got a high end PC.
Outside of big cities I can run 45-60 fps in VR with medium-high settings (I started using DLSS and it's okay - I just use the zoom in feature for glass cockpits). I can go higher but then it's not as smooth. I run 150 LOD in this area.
In large cities with payware I get about 25-35 depending on if I drop some settings to medium. I run 100 LOD in this area.
There is a discolored spot on my right lens so I'm a little bummed about that. I'm not certain if it came that way but I've noticed it for the last few weeks. It's small but noticeable against a brighter sky or area of the image.
This afternoon I had an extremely rare time to fly without kids needing me hehe - I shot a bunch of approaches in the Minneapolis area with the FSW C414. I also use dual TDS GTN 750Xi's because the touch screens are so much more effective when in VR. If flying in USA they also provide me with charts and metar (metar is worldwide as well) - so that pretty much takes care of all my flying needs. I have yet to fly VR online but am very excited. Anyway the flight today near MSP (I actually did IAPs at 21D, STP, SGS and FCM) was my best yet. I had about 35-40 fps at all times and it was in and out of snow and icing. I frequently inflated the boots because of ice buildup. To lookout at my left wing as see the "depth" in VR is incredible.
Downsides of VR are definitely still the clarity. In previous years I had tried an Occulus Rift at a friends' house using P3D and DCS. (DCS is the superior experience btw). The OR had the classic "screen door effect" and I didn't care for it. P3D wasn't very nice. DCS was a lot better but still not great. Today with my G2 and the 4080 I have the DCS F16 and AH64D Longbow. Both are phenomenal in VR! But about MSFS - I'd definitely consider a headset upgrade possibly to the Pimax Crystal at some point. Even at 100% render, the G2 is still a little low res... feels like 1080i at best. Unless you're looking right at a gauge, most gauges in the peripheral are somewhat fuzzy. Still the depth perception received from VR outweighs this issue IMO.
Here's a pic I took with my phone of the lens...it was from the first day of VR use and I was still learning. It's not quite this bad with the headset on but there is most definitely a lack of focus outside of a small focal point radius. The little ramper and the cone is sort of the focal point for context.
Oh, I also got my G2 for half off on Black Friday sale about 350 USD or so with tax.
Blah a lot of rambling! But with the old 1080 Ti it was acceptable with low settings. With the new 4080 I get about double the fps with double the settings - well worth it!