Thank you, Ryan, for your comment and the screenshot. That's pretty horrible but i do understand of course that this is 'VR without VR' i.e. missing all the 3D fun, right ? ;-)
So, you talk about lod a lot....hehe. So i understand that's pretty important flying MSFS in VR ? In my FS book LOD is something from way back then, can't even remember what exactly it stand for.( Ok, yes, Level of Detail ) Is LOD setting available in one of the MSFS menu's ? Do you change it with each VR flight depending on where you are going ?
One thing i won't have to worry about is glass cockpits simply because i hate 'em.. ;-) Strictly analog kinda guy here. DC-3, DC-6, Tiggie, Spit, you know, that kind of stuff. Would you say that there's deffinately a difference in performance between being inside a VR analog- or glass cockpit ? I wouldn't be surprised because they *are* very different, aren't they.
About the Pimax Crystal, that will leave a 1900 euro gap in my portemonnee...

Wouldn't you say it's not a bad idea to start with something average (like the G2), not exactly top class, so you have a chance to appreciate something better later on ?
Thanks again for your comments, Ryan !