Certainly now that we have the v2.0 pilots for the SSW TF-104 there are atleast 2 reasons why you would maybe like to reconsider.
#1. The F-18 pilot figure wears flightgear of the 2000 decennium while the F-104 was operational in the USAF from 1958 until 1967 (Cold War) and NATO's default fighter-bomber from 1961 until 1985 when it was replaced by the F-16.
#2. Obviously SSW *could* have decided to put the wrong era default MSFS fighterpilots into their superb TF-104 but they didn't. Instead they chose to put an effort in it and design their own pilot figure conform the F-104's correct operational era. It would be kind of condecending to just throw that into the garbage bin, wouldn't it...
The SSW helmets and O2 masks are clearly of the correct HGU-2A/P and MBU-12/P types (ahem SSW....you *did* forget the microphone wire rolled around the O2 hose.... just kidding.. ;-). The default F-18 pilot is equipped with what looks like a regular Gentex HGU-66/P flight helmet and MBU-23/P O2 mask from the 90's up to current. Besides that one could ponder about the fact that the MSFS fighterpilot figure is supposed to represent a Navy/Marines pilot rather than a USAF/Nato pilot ( Nitpicking ?... Going too far ?.... I suppose so.... ;-)
I could go on and on, ramble, ramble (pilot flightgear = hobbyhorse, dunno why..;-) but i won't.
( Ok then, one more for the road: It is a miracle to me why FS militairy aircraft devs think a pilot straps him/herself in in the cockpit and only *then* puts on his/her life preserver vest, obviously helped by his/her mechanic..... You wouldn't want to know what'll happen when the time comes for this pilot to actually have to bail out and use the ejection seat... ( i.e. de Ejection Seat Straps should always be the TOP straps ). We can see this strange phenomenon f.i. both with the default F-18 and SSW F-104 pilots. Why oh Why ?...
We can also observe with some of the 30's and 40's era fighterpilot figures that, for some mysterious reason, goggle straps run *through* the headphone covers instead of over it.... )
Well done SSW re your new TF-104 pilot figure dimensions ! :
Default MSFS fighterpilot figure does look good !
IMHO Deffinately not fit to fly the SSW TF-104.
This concludes my lecture (ahem..) regarding FS pilot figures (no, it doesn't really...
