Stearman "Duster" by Bob Sanderson

I've got the crew chief dusting of my Steerman in order to get those new textures on as soon as they are up.

Thanks for effort Tufun!
Few areas of improvement... I'm always trying something to improve things! Top cylinder heads switched, fins are now on the proper side. Added depth to the rocker caps. Refine some nuts on the case and added safety wire to the ring below the prop hub. I know you want see it when flying, but I know its there. Also, added some wear to the prop. One area I want to change is the exhaust port fin from black to grey, but I think the textures are part of the cylinders texture, so changing that would change all to grey. Oh well, more lessons to learn! By the way I'm crawling all over this bird, looking if I can improve her looks! I got thank Dave Eckert for a cool aircraft. -TF



Dumb question time.

Tufun, the repaints and details you are working on look fantasic. At first I thought you wre doing repaints for the Sanderson Stearman based on the earlir screenshots, but the screenshots in posts #40 and #42 are all of the two seaters - so are these Eckart's Stearmans?? Or maybe the Stearman's from Golden Age Simulations?? Or does Sanderson have two seat Stearman's that I missed??

Guess I got myself too excited in all the confusion. Or is that.. too confused in all the excitement?


Dumb question time.

Tufun, the repaints and details you are working on look fantasic. At first I thought you wre doing repaints for the Sanderson Stearman based on the earlir screenshots, but the screenshots in posts #40 and #42 are all of the two seaters - so are these Eckart's Stearmans?? Or maybe the Stearman's from Golden Age Simulations?? Or does Sanderson have two seat Stearman's that I missed??

Guess I got myself too excited in all the confusion. Or is that.. too confused in all the excitement?



I thought these repaints were for the Sanderson Stearman - after all this is the Sanderson Stearman thread. But I don't think he did a 2-seater - so i say: Well-spotted!

i missed that completely:mix-smi:
Yes, I'm doing both aircraft (Sanderson & Eckert). Keeping track of both aircraft on one thread is convenient for those who want to track my progress. The Sanderson paints are fictional, but Eckert's is the real version. The "203" is on hold for now... so I'm work on the two Navy Sanderson birds. I will have a total of three Yellow Navy birds, plus two grey birds. I will package a total of five repaints.

Here's my work so far. I've just started on 321 so the paint is not quite there yet. If you look closely at the wheel hubs design, it may look familiar to you.



Little Stearman artwork I've been doing lately.




Dang they look very nice Tufun! It is really going to be neat having these paints on Sanderson's fine Stearmans.

I suppose one couldn't actually say that these paints for Sanderson's planes may not be historically accurate, because imagine it's the late 1940's and you were looking for a quick cheap way to get into crop dusting. You could buy a military Stearman surplus for about $2000 and probably included with an extra crated engine.

So then all you would need to do is take out the front seat and build a plywood hopper, or, spraytank and a little plumbing and a little fabric and sheet metal repair and you'd be set to go.
Few changes made on the grey bird to see how she looks. Nothing like having a bunch of Stearman's populating this beautiful area!



Kinda like this artsy stuff... couldn't resist this shot!!!


I've been busy in the hangar, so went for a flight.

That is pure "awlsome" Tufun. That grey Steaman shot flying down the valley. The miltary paint on Eckerts. And that video. The runway must have had some puddles on it, great effect! Ha ha!

That grey or doped silver on Sandersons plane looks so darn good.

I looked through 50 Google pages of Stearman pictures last night trying to find a civillian paint scheme for a Stearman and I must say I didn't see any private civillian paint schemes that do justice to set off the Stearman design lines, other than military schemes and crop duster work schemes that are usually basic color schemes with company logos on them, or either basically doped silver for simplicity in work function and also display working wear marks, which I also love to see.

I found only one civillian paint scheme that I liked and it had a red fuselage, with cream colored wings. It had a chromed firewall pan that really set it off. The paint scheme set off the design of the plane, but that was the only civilian scheme I thought really fit the plane. I'll try to find a picture and post it.

The Stearman is just a duty/purpose plane I suppose. Of coarse that's just my oppinion and I am not a painter.

But you have done excellent on these paints and the subject of the Stearman and breathing new life into these models. Bless You!

Here is that civilian paint I thought really complimented the design of a Stearman. Nostalgic looking. If the link works.
That is pure "awlsome" Tufun. That grey Steaman shot flying down the valley. The miltary paint on Eckerts. And that video. The runway must have had some puddles on it, great effect! Ha ha!

That grey or doped silver on Sandersons plane looks so darn good.

I looked through 50 Google pages of Stearman pictures last night trying to find a civillian paint scheme for a Stearman and I must say I didn't see any private civillian paint schemes that do justice to set off the Stearman design lines, other than military schemes and crop duster work schemes that are usually basic color schemes with company logos on them, or either basically doped silver for simplicity in work function and also display working wear marks, which I also love to see.

I found only one civillian paint scheme that I liked and it had a red fuselage, with cream colored wings. It had a chromed firewall pan that really set it off. The paint scheme set off the design of the plane, but that was the only civilian scheme I thought really fit the plane. I'll try to find a picture and post it.

The Stearman is just a duty/purpose plane I suppose. Of coarse that's just my oppinion and I am not a painter.

But you have done excellent on these paints and the subject of the Stearman and breathing new life into these models. Bless You!

Here is that civilian paint I thought really complimented the design of a Stearman. Nostalgic looking. If the link works.

How about this one...





I did this video about a year ago on an older computer... talk about a frame rate killer these Sanderson's are! One was good, but three you'll see!!! This is before I knew anything about painting.

The red and cream looks magnificent! I didn't mean for you to do a paint of it, but since you did, a somewhat simulilar stripe mark down the sides and if possible maybe that Stearman logo on the rudder and fin would set her off beautifully. Wish I could have found a better picture of the subject plane that revealed about the paint but that was the only one I've seen of her.

You mentioned Sanderson's plane as being heavy on the frame-rates. I remember the first ones he put out as being heavy on the frames, and I don't know why, a newer computer, or most likely the later updated package that came out, I no longer am getting frame-rate kills like the first original package. My platform is Windows 7 and since being on this new computer/new windows platform I noticed that all my FS planes display frame-rate hits while the aircraft lights are turned on. Turn off the lights and those frame-rate hits disappear. Turn them back on and there are the frame-rate hits again. Just a note.

I can't paint or make sim models, but I am absolutely attracted to Sanderson's model. My father started out in crop dusting with the puchase of one of those surplus Stearmans and converting it. It looks just like Sanderson's rendering, although my father's had that giant bullet spinner on it. I wish there was an easy way to stick one of those giant bullet spinners on Sanderson's Stearman. Of coarse I like it with and without a spinner sometimes, but the big spinner does give a certain visual effect, kind of like you'd want to call it a BULL STEARMAN. Makes it look more monsterous. Lol! Stearmans are amazing beasts.

Who could not like a Stearman?
The red and cream looks magnificent! I didn't mean for you to do a paint of it, but since you did, a somewhat simulilar stripe mark down the sides and if possible maybe that Stearman logo on the rudder and fin would set her off beautifully. Wish I could have found a better picture of the subject plane that revealed about the paint but that was the only one I've seen of her.

Same here, couldn't find any photos but the one you posted. I've got some ideas about the strips and will change the color on the h-stabs.

You mentioned Sanderson's plane as being heavy on the frame-rates. I remember the first ones he put out as being heavy on the frames, and I don't know why, a newer computer, or most likely the later updated package that came out, I no longer am getting frame-rate kills like the first original package. My platform is Windows 7 and since being on this new computer/new windows platform I noticed that all my FS planes display frame-rate hits while the aircraft lights are turned on. Turn off the lights and those frame-rate hits disappear. Turn them back on and there are the frame-rate hits again. Just a note.

The video had the old versions hence the frame-rates. The updated '55 model is v.2 which I'm painting. There is a difference in some areas when applying paint doesn't match up with the old version. The '65 was not updated as far as I know, so I'm not painting that model. The v.2 has a better cockpit for FSX.

Well back to the hangar!!!
Now that's a very nice nostalgic looking paint. Thanks for doing it Tufun!

Thanks to you, I would not have done this one. Actually I like it more than the military paints. Dave's Stearman needs this look!

The wings need more detail, which I need to look at. Looking at the GAS Stearman, those wings look great! -TF
Great screenshots and video, TuFun. I'm looking forward to the final results.

There's always room for more Stearman in my hangar.

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Maybe someday I can inspire you to take a crack an new skins for the GAS and the 'other' Sanderson Stearmans.

That Bull Stearman looks like something that the Red Baron would fly! I only have the FSX GAS version. Don't know if repaints are interchangeable with FS9 version, and no paint kit either.
Still the Sanderson's Stearman has that detail... right down to the nuts and bolts that are outstanding!

What I'm really excited about is Alabeo Waco... has that Sanderson quality I like!!! -TF
Started on the basic wing detail... just some lines, will add more detail as I go along. When doing these repaints, I'm learning how to use Photoshop too. Gets confusing at times. -TF



Although I can't paint, I was looking for some pictures of old converted ag Stearmans and came across this one which at first I wasn't really impressed with the paint until I got to poking around on the website which put an interesting story with the plane.

There is an interesting historical, sort of common, story that goes along with the man that flew this ag Stearman. He was and still is a fairly well known country and western singer. From what I gather he still is mainly an ag operator now flying an Ag Cat, but he started out in ag spraying with his beloved converted Stearman which he rolled up into a ball late one evening when it was getting too dark to work. An interesting character without a dout. His daughter wrote a bio about him in the site side bar.

His converted Stearman was just like Sanderson's, but it had the Mid-Continental canopy and used the big bullet spinner.

I found the story-line of the site very captivating. If you get the time check it out.
I'm not really sure about interchangeable paints between the FSX and FS9 Bull Stearman, but it is a beauty and it has incredible detail. On some less capable machines... the plane is a memory hog when flying in FS9, and I haven't seen any repaints for it. Probably for that reason.

Beautiful Work on the Sanderson and Dave Eckert Stearmans, TuFun! I really enjoy looking at the screen shots of your work. :guinness:
