Well, I finally changed the airfiles. I had really wanted to just leave it the way it was and learn to live with it. But I started to think about it and I thought "I don't think Steve Wittman would have designed a plane that was THAT tough to take off". So I changed them and so far I'm really happy with the change. Makes it much more fun to fly. Thanks again Bill for the update.
Hey Tom,
If its any consolation, I fly with low sliders. I prefer flying time rather then fighting (the controls) time. I do this with planes that have one wingtank at a time selector (like the Mooney), assymetrical weight layout (pulls continuously to the left because of pilot weight), etc. I will go in and change things to make them easier to fly.
Many say that in FS, its harder to fly with some of the 'realism enhancements' then the actual planes in reality. For instance, you naturally will fly a Mooney and not really notice your weight shifting, while in FS, you do massively, (perhaps the spring loaded joysticks make a difference?).
So thats why I will fly at low realism settings.
And, to add to that, the real Tailwinds, from 3 articles I have read, only have a slight bit of torque on takeoffs (accelleration only?) and the rest of the time, they are gentle planes that are said to practically steer themselves, having very keen, good tuned tail structures that enable nice handling flights.
The one on EAA Sport Aviation with Mike and his wife, is said to take off on its own, no trim, no flaps, and will do a all 3 point (tail down) take off (like some tail draggers can do).
The other one thing though that they are notorius for, with the racing wing version (originals) was the famous 65MPH drop when landing. If you have no flaps set, and are on approach, and you drop to 64MPH (under normal conditions and weight), you will drop to the tarmac in a slow speed stall. She becomes a beautiful, large paperweight at that speed, so you better be close to Earth when she converts to PW mode. :d