Tailwind Released!

V1.4 is a complete package, so essetial files will be overwritten, but I agree with Brian, uninstalling (or at least deleting the two aircraft folders) can't hurt.

I make it a policy to install to a temp folder, burn the output to CD, then uninstall via the Add/Remove Programs window. Then I put everyting into place manually.
Yep - if you used the F1 system, just click the Reinstall button and use the key that you received with the original purchase.

Well, this didn't work. :isadizzy:

I used the reinstall on my F1 download. Didn't use the method putting in the key though (because I can't find it), I used the method right below that that has my email and password. It allowed me to reinstall, but then when I go and look at the plane, it's the same as when I first downloaded it. Nothing new.

What's up with that?
Hmm, that's strange. My menu shows the new tri-gear as a seperate entry. Maybe Bill (aka Lionheart) has seen this issue before.


Got nothing that look like that.
Sent Bill an email over at LHC.
My see if he comes online here later.
Have company coming this afternoon though.
I'm sure I'll get it eventually.
Hey guys,

Yes, the Tri-Gear is a seperate aircraft. Not mixed in with the other planes.

The new Flight1 file is not the same name, so if you redownloaded from an older 'link', you downloaded the same older file. The new file has 1.4 at the end of the EXE file name. Tailwind_Collection_F1_1.4.exe

Let me know how it goes.

So does this mean that you have to purchase it separately?
Or can I get the update with out repurchasing it?
And if so, how?
Thanks Bill for getting back to me. Everything went fine. (I think, I haven't had time to try them out yet, but the tri-gear is there!)
Thanks again.
Most welcome.

And for those that are wanting to know;

* No on repurchasing. You 'do not' have to repurchase to obtain the upgrades and updates.

* Yes, if you purchased with Flight1, you have to redownload a new, different Installer, not the same one. This one has a different name, so if you saved a download link, that one is no longer good. The key will 'not' install updates into the existing installer.

Happy flying,



Its nice to now have throttle sound properly modulating from high to low. That was a difficult issue to figure out on why that was occurring.

On a side note, Jim Clemments Witmann Tailwind W-10 (white with red stripe, dark tinted windows) took an award for its class in Experimentals at Oshkosh this weekend.

Hooo Rah! :ernae: