As promised I ham working on the
new release v1.5
Compared to the first specification, the objectives have been reviewed, it will include two major patches, structural changes to have a conventional train, additions at the textures and a new engine.
Adding Damage mode has been postponed and will be part of the
release v2.0 .
Back to v1.5 which this has started. Today , progress is as follows:
a) the correction of the ADF needle not working ................................................................ 100 %
b) facilitation of the rudder rods that were anything in exterior view ........................................ 30 %
c ) modification of the process to turn it into Texas Taildragger .............................................. 70 %
d) modifying pilot & co - pilot harness ................................................................................ 50 %
e ) adding improved textures normal maps among others ....................................................... 50 %
f) a new file to get the air engine 100HP to 150HP = D ........................................................... x %
Last week , the front was advanced to the amounts of the wings and the tailwheel was completely modeled , there is however to "map" tailwheel and animate springs that dampen the rotational movement of the wheel.
Today, the emphasis has been on creating
normal maps they are added to the existing textures and setting Gmax parameters to achieve the desired effect. The tutorial had prepared David W. was used and was successful .
Currently , two textures were processed
normal maps the fuselage and the wings.
The BUMP parameter used in Gmax was increased first to 100% then scaled 80% otherwise the effect is too strong and too much reflection.
An another file
GlobalEnv_AC_Chrome.dds , has been added at the same time. It adds reflection effects of the environment on the textures look great = W thank you to him.
Here the Australian texture from Greenhopper, expected effects :
And an American repaint of Nastybeats :
BUMP Parameter to 100%
BUMP Parameter to 80%
I think also work indoors in
normal maps at least the dashboard and the background instruments .