There's Nothing Like Fresh Mesh ...

The turboprop version is wrapping up this coming week and I should have a beta version out before the weekend.

Nigel has been working overtime on interior and VC textures, lighting, sounds, and liveries.

Here is what I received today. :)


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I have never been able to get 2048 textures to work for me in FS9 so I am unaware what the secret is.

I should also mention, for any repaints anyone puts out, that the Modern and Classis texture names are different for the fuselage, fuselage inner, and cabinets and cabinseat bmps.

The texture sets are different of course because the cabins, seats, interiors, and some exterior parts are different. Therefore one livery texture set cannot be for both Modern and classic unless they are in separate folders and carry proper names.

Modern version: If you see fusemod.bmp and fuseinnermod.bmp, the set is for the modern version and should have a cabinseatmod.bmp

Classic version: If you see fuselage.bmp and fuseinner.bmp accompanied by cabinets.bmp and cabinseats.bmp, then you have a Classic version set of textures.

The two sets can co-exist if all these textures are in the same folder for a livery.

As am I, as to the secret-just know it works here and apparently for others. In any case I am uploading the same texture sets in 1024 here in a few minutes.

I apologize for causing any consternation and will strive to ensure that future releases include sets for both 1024 and 2048.

As am I, as to the secret-just know it works here and apparently for others. In any case I am uploading the same texture sets in 1024 here in a few minutes.

I apologize for causing any unnecessary consternation and will strive to ensure that future releases include sets for both 1024 and 2048.


The 1024 texture sets for the wellis liveries for the classic and modern Mallard radials from Milton have been uploaded to the library, or they can be had at the drop box link below.
The turboprop version is wrapping up this coming week and I should have a beta version out before the weekend.

Nigel has been working overtime on interior and VC textures, lighting, sounds, and liveries.

Here is what I received today. :)

Thank you all very much for your lovely work. The Mallard is simply amazing and wellis has done beautiful work for it!

Regarding texture sizes, fs9 cannot display 2048 textures. If you've got one running, the texture has mipmaps and the 1024 MIP is being used. A 2048 texture with no MIPS well not work...
Thank you all very much for your lovely work. The Mallard is simply amazing and wellis has done beautiful work for it!

Regarding texture sizes, fs9 cannot display 2048 textures. If you've got one running, the texture has mipmaps and the 1024 MIP is being used. A 2048 texture with no MIPS well not work...

Thank you for this insight, and the compliment. the learning continues. : - )
Here is a second livery provided by Nigel for the turboprop version.

Also including some VC shots.

I hope to get a beta test out by Wednesday end-of-day.


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Regarding texture sizes, fs9 cannot display 2048 textures. If you've got one running, the texture has mipmaps and the 1024 MIP is being used. A 2048 texture with no MIPS well not work...

I would have never known this... After looking at the textures for the Mallard, and my trusty Bear Studios J-11, there are indeed mips within the textures. I have the mipmap quality turned up pretty high in FS9 and I never saw the effect that they can create. I just thought my copy of FS9 was "gifted". Good to know.

I would have never known this... After looking at the textures for the Mallard, and my trusty Bear Studios J-11, there are indeed mips within the textures. I have the mipmap quality turned up pretty high in FS9 and I never saw the effect that they can create. I just thought my copy of FS9 was "gifted". Good to know.


Nor would I, obviously... :)
The Mallard turboprop beta packages (FS9 and FSX) have been uploaded and are being checked out by the team. Some minor adjustments being made and we should have the beta package available Thursday for interested testers in this thread. :wavey:

Thanks for your patience. :wiggle:
[Also including some VC shots.]

Extremely well done, greatly anticipated. :applause:

Just FYI, the beta testing process is underway and we are awaiting initial feedback.

We hope to complete the beta by Tuesday and be prepared for release the following weekend.
Just want to thank the following for doing the hard work of beta testing. Some reporting was very detailed, thorough, and refreshingly honest. I appreciate all the time you guys invested. We are trying to correct, modify, and improve on the things we can.

Beta team:

Blackbird686, Fredem, Wing_Z, LemonAidrinker, Expat, ematheson, Tonijh, Hurrican91, Tom Clayton, Sasha, WND plus the development team Nigel, Wellis, Rui, Spokes2112
Just finishing up work on the 2D panel for those who use it while I await other changes to be completed.


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Well, all the hard work is done and final beta just released. Lots of improvements throughout yielding a much nicer overall package and some great new gauges and features.

I would like to again thank the beta team for the extraordinary work done to shake out the packages. Greatly appreciated.


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Those look amazing! I'll have to fly one of these out of Nanaimo , BC as soon as they're released. Assuming I don't have to wait for the FSX port over. If I do, well, I know what to look forward to. Nice work everyone.
Well, all the hard work is done and final beta just released. Lots of improvements throughout yielding a much nicer overall package and some great new gauges and features.

I would like to again thank the beta team for the extraordinary work done to shake out the packages. Greatly appreciated.
A beautiful job Milton.