I really love this plane.
the first Mallard TP Milton send to its Beta Team for first tests was EFIS equipped. This may not be an historic fact and the screen was soon replaced by analogic instruments, but, as you fly a Mallard TP, you may want to upgrade your plane :
The EFIS screen is the Default Beech 350's one. But you can replace by any instrument you want !
In the panel folder find the panel.cfg file.
in the [Window00] section, juste change the
gauge31=BB!Attitude Indicator, 793,711,148,128 line
gauge31=KingAir!Attitude, 793,711,148,128
and in the [Vcockpit01] section change the
gauge47=BB!Attitude Indicator, 513,232,240,224 line
gauge47=KingAir!Attitude, 513,232,240,224
second point, if you want add a few light for daytime flight (when your screen is a bit dark, as mine...)
in the aircraft.cfg file, find the [LIGHTS] section and add :
light.11=4, 7.2, -1.15, -0.18, fx_vclighth
light.12=4, 7.2, 1.15, -0.18, fx_vclighth
third personnal modification : I quit smoking a few years ago and I prefer to have something in my new plane in case of a technical problem close to an isolated island, so I have my .45ACP with me !
I've modified the cockpitsides_t.bmp file but it was more difficult than I expected (unexpected results when converting 24 bit texture to 32 bit)
If you want to replace the gun by Micro Uzi, flowers, candies or everything else, don't hesitate !
Thanks Milton for this wonderful aircraft !