Regarding remapping to a higher resolution, I have studied all the parts sizes and have concluded that with the exception of the fuselage and engines, not much improvement can be made elsewhere.
All exterior mapping is now done at 15 meters. This includes fuselage, wings, tails, and engines.
The fuselage size would allow for improvement to 9 meters at best.
The wings would only allow improvement to 11 meters from 15 meters, hardly worth the change.
I would like to keep the tails and the wings at the same scale so they could be at 11 meters.
The engines could be improved to 6 meters at best but then they would be much higher res than the rest, and my thinking is they should either match the scale of either the fuselage 9 meter or the wing 11 meter.
Since I think that the wings at 11 meters are not worth the benefit, the fuselage 9 meter scale would be best suited.
So, that leaves the fuselage and the engines to consider for a redo.
That would then leave the fuse and engines at 9 meters, and the wings and tails at 15 meters.
That's a pretty large difference so then I question whether any of it should change.
For painting ease when considering panel lines and rivets, etc., similar scales are important on like items and that is why now everything is on the same scale.
Your thoughts please about staying with what we have, or redoing the fuselage and engines to a slightly better resolution.
At this point, the benefits seem slight.