This Could Be Very Interesting - AnKor's Shaders

MajorMagee attached the relevant files in post 99 and I am currently working on a set of water textures for the different theaters. This is going to take time as the water color will be varied by location within each map. Meaning that on the stock ETO map, if you were to fly from Corsica to London you would encounter the blue of the Mediterranean, the green of the North Atlantic and the brown of the Thames in a single flight without changing any files. Similar things can be done in all the expansions except DPC Korea as it does not have real water, so Ankor's water effects don't work there (self-shadowing still works though). This will take some time to fine tune colors and locations, so hang in there, I hope to make it worth the wait. Meanwhile, feel free to experiment.

How is this project coming along? I am looking for the wright combination for the following theatre : PTO Solomon, DPC korean skies. With the latest Ankor mods posted with ETO1.5 when prompted the wather turns deep green almost brown.
It's coming, Ankor has several of us testing a new version currently.

where were you flying?
Got it. The files included in the ETO package were meant for ETO only as they include files changing the color of the water. The European colors have some colors mapped to specific regions for different bodies of water, but if you use the files with a different map, you will get some odd results. Korea doesn't even use actual water, so your odd results there are caused by something else.
Got it. The files included in the ETO package were meant for ETO only as they include files changing the color of the water. The European colors have some colors mapped to specific regions for different bodies of water, but if you use the files with a different map, you will get some odd results. Korea doesn't even use actual water, so your odd results there are caused by something else.

OK so what about PTO Solomon what combination of files and shaders would work best?
Did you ever install my new environment effects? The water files in it are not compatible with Ankor's effects.

Just read this :it could be the solution to the wather texture problem I am having in PTO Solomon,DPC Korea,MAW and PTO Rising Sun.There should be a post with the original values since the files did not contain a file with original values.:dizzy:I for one did not bother to make a copy.:banghead: :dizzy:
Just uploaded the latets driver (350.12) to my NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti. When playing ETO 1.5 the game freezes, is there an incompatibility with the Ankor/gecko mods?
Searchlights are in, one of us just has to get around to making our searchlight compatible.
All that is changed between the RS (virgin) and the RS (advanced) it has the: NEW CFS3 Environment v2.0 -Rising Sun
this works very well with the Master Ankor changes ..

Pearl harbor Dec 7 41, XP operating system

Going to transfer/import the files from this and try in in my Standard Virgin Rising sun install and see if it becomes a Beautiful as this..

Perfect for me..

Hey, Owen. Where might someone find this Rising Sun V.2?

Here's what my Pearl Harbor looks like. If any one knows how to fix the water, please enlighten me.
Hey Barry,
Here is my Pearl, I have adjusted the wave height, and changed the water color a bit,
Major Magee, knows all the various adjustment for wave height, etc.

In my missions I have all the ships loaded ,and my Win 7 machine has No problem with FPS.

I haven't danced much with this lately, been busy with other projects to do much with RS and the shader program from Ankor.
Spend much of my time getting ETO 1.50 and MAW and my advanced CFS3 adjusted for the shaders program.

I know from past experimenting that this will work beautifully in Rising Sun, just haven't the time to do it right now.


  • Pearl 001.jpg
    Pearl 001.jpg
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Ahh, so the extra ships are in a mission then and not in QC? I'm off to the DL section for that!

I saw the Major's tweaking info and have already adjusted the wavebump/wavescale but didn't notice any change. I will play with it some more.

I only have RS and KTO installed at the moment. Trying to get all of the tweaks down in RS before I install ETO & PTO Solomons. My KTO with this mod is an improvement but it doesn't really POP like it does in RS. I can't nail down why just yet, but what ever it is, it's pulling the FPS down as well.
This is the beginning of my Pacific SeaWater.fx that controls the wave size and shape.

#if defined Sea_Calm
    #define BaseOpacity 0.95
    #define WaveBump 7.0
    #define WaveScale 6.0
    // no foam
#elif defined Sea_Light
    #define BaseOpacity 0.98
    #define WaveBump 6.0
    #define WaveScale 6.0
    // no foam
#elif defined Sea_Medium
    #define BaseOpacity 0.98
    #define WaveBump 6.0
    #define WaveScale 5.0
    #define AddFoam
#elif defined Sea_Heavy
    #define BaseOpacity 1.0
    #define WaveBump 5.0
    #define WaveScale 5.0
    #define AddFoam
#else // default (i.e. stock CFS3)
    #define BaseOpacity 0.95
    #define WaveBump 5.0
    #define WaveScale 5.0
    //#define AddFoam

You also need to make sure the setting in the cfs3config.exe file is
<WaterDetailTextureSize val="5"/>

The colors come from your effects\fxtextures\ file in conjuction with effects\skybox\ for the surface reflections of the sky.
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