To the silent majority


Very odd jobs man and MiGaholic
I am the of the firm belief that if the someone doesn't wish to get involved that is there right. If your only a member here too grab the goodies fair enough that's your decision.
However the fs9 community is in slowly withering on the vine, and soon the freebies will start too dry up. The people who design, build, paint, modify ect are retiring or giving up or moving on for what ever reasons. If you wish the fs9 community to continue then you need to start getting involved. You don't have too design or paint (unless you want too), but you do need too show more interest. Ask a question or even a simple thank you posted on the forums, or a screenshot from your last flight. Lethargy is slowly killing this place.
So if your one of the many silent majority who use fs9 still, and want it too continue its time too come out of the closet
and join in. Or at least think about it.

Thanks for the gentle prod Steve. I'm very glad to see you are still posting here. Thanks again for all your wonderful (and payware worthy) repaints you've given us over the years.

There are many times when I have thought of learning how to repaint aircraft, or create scenery. What has discouraged me every time is the lack of a 'glossary' explaining basic terms like 'layers', 'alpha channel', or with Scenery, terms like 'flatten', 'exclude', etc.

Please note that this is my personal opinion, no one else's... here goes:

I tend to get the impression that, once one gets past the preliminaries (what software to use, what other programs one needs), that all of the 'important' informational steps one needs to proceed with become 'Secrets of the State'; details that no one is willing to impart with under fear of exile, ostracism, apathy, or something to that effect.

The 'standard' answer to these inquiries invariably ends up as being on the lines of "Well, you've got to learn sometime, so just jump in and go for it", or "Well, if you can't get it, then Repainting (or Scenery Design) is just not for you... sorry".

Quite demoralizing, especially when searching for an answer to a basic issue, and the post languishes for days in the Forum without a reply, or even any views of the post. Or, after days of hard work your 'new' repaint is uploaded, and all of the Comments end up being of the 'Did you finger paint that one" or 'you're missing x in the Texture' without offering a solution to correct the mistake.

So, I just keep using what I have for FS 9. Searching the File Libraries, making do with what's out there, and continuing to have fun as best I can.

A two way, friendly and informational stream is what's needed to keep the FS 9 fires burning.

Yes, we need more creators, compilers and designers in the fold. At the same time, more experienced creators might want to try and pass on what they've learned in an informative way; tutorials, glossaries... anything that would help the novice proceed.

I'm not trying to rub anyone the wrong way, insult or complain. I'm just sharing personal observations that I have noticed in my 'short' time using FlightSim and as part of the many FS Forums out there.

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There are many times when I have thought of learning how to repaint aircraft, or create scenery. What has discouraged me every time is the lack of a 'glossary' explaining basic terms like 'layers', 'alpha channel', or with Scenery, terms like 'flatten', 'exclude', etc.

Hi ViperPilot2,

California Classics ( has a great tutorial ( on repainting. I know quite a few accomplished repainters who developed their skills by means of this tutorial.

For my own repaints I always use Abacus FSRepaint (payware) since I don't have Photo Shop or Paint Shop on my HD. At the moments I can't achieve what I aim for, I also use Peter Wright's DXTBmp programme. I recommend both repaint programmes.

Viperpilot.... you're in luck, i'll soon be recording a new series of 'Repainting for Dummies' in which i'll take an easilly available aircraft say the IRIS/DSB Hawk and walk through from 'nothing' to completed paint in sim, along the way explaining things like Alpha Channels, Opacity, etc... if it works out i'll then move to the scenery side which is just as nightmarish, BUT once the basics are in place it's relatively straightforwards..... naturally for repainting i'll have to do 2 versions, one with GIMP one with Photoshop, just so that the free and paid versions are covered.... :salute:
Thanks for the gentle prod Steve. I'm very glad to see you are still posting here. Thanks again for all your wonderful (and payware worthy) repaints you've given us over the years.

Appreciated but this thread is not about me looking for thanks, I'm trying to get some life in the place in general, it's nature that everything comes has its time and then goes, but I for one believe fs9 still has life in it. It has been losing talent in the past few years at a rate much faster than they're being replaced. I doubt it can be stopped but it can be slowed. No new blood means less and less new toys in the future.


That sounds like an awesome idea! A Repainting tutorial would surely help many out there like myself.

Might I suggest also including some 'quirks' about repainting; I know that some of the Default aircraft are a pain to repaint... some of the reasons why would also help out so repainters know what to look for.

Thanks for your continuing support and creating for the hobby; what you and your fellow creators do IS greatly appreciated by all!

yeah there are a lot of quirks, mirrored parts, mesh issues... most often only found by painting in the first place... been making notes about a series for a while, just need to finally get it into action...
Viperpilot.... you're in luck, i'll soon be recording a new series of 'Repainting for Dummies' in which i'll take an easilly available aircraft say the IRIS/DSB Hawk and walk through from 'nothing' to completed paint in sim, along the way explaining things like Alpha Channels, Opacity, etc... if it works out i'll then move to the scenery side which is just as nightmarish, BUT once the basics are in place it's relatively straightforwards..... naturally for repainting i'll have to do 2 versions, one with GIMP one with Photoshop, just so that the free and paid versions are covered.... :salute:

Just remember too print a copy in Homer so I can understand it will ya. remember there's dummies and there's always me. always willing too learn ,just incapable of doing so, especially photo shop. :icon_lol: Paint shop pro 7's my limit and still haven't a clue what half of that does or is supposed too do mind you only been using it 15 years.

oh i know your 'Dummy' level buddy... :icon_lol:

after, as i said, nearly 15 years total from first repaint to most recent (first was new markings onto the FS98 Sopwith Camel For Personal use, most recent currently is a facelift on the IRIS Tornado GR.4) i've gone from MS Paint, to Paintshop to Photoshop, and the latter is now what i use for my daily work and repainting... strange how things have happened over the years... failed most of my GCSE's here except German, French, Geography and (crucially) Graphics... the latter was the path i chose to follow, my first paycheck (paycheque?) i bought myself a new PC and a copy of FS2004 then learnt how to repaint without the assistance of tutorials, it was a hard slog... but in the time since then i've been doing a repaint or trialling techniques pretty much every day since... i 'paint' aviation profile art for a living, Graphics it was i chose and Graphics i got, and you know what? i do not regret it one bit... over the years i've worked with some of the greatest people i know in the FS Community.... 'Stalin', Milton, Andy G (whom i have an ongoing TSR.2 paint pack (30 or so paints!) with) and Andy Nott to name but a few, i've taught tips and tricks and complete repainting to many... and the community, which, for the most part has been both my saviour and my sanity... when my old PC blew a Graphics card a fellow painter and close friend of mine sent me a graphics card (Still in it's box with all the wires, never used) to keep me going, this same community as my PC was on it's last legs made me resort to raiding a scrap yard/tip to find components to keep me going and to not let the community down... a lot of you are like family to me now, if i can help you i will... :salute:
ViperPilot2, I feel your pain. :-D

Yes, it is daunting, and I didn't contribute for a long time, I was very much a part of Steve's "Silent Majority"; but you know what, "Well, you've got to learn sometime, so just jump in and go for it" is really not bad advice & is exactly what I did in the end. Oh, I can't do what Steve or Matt or Firekitten or Gaucho or all the others can do, doing something from scratch is largely beyond me; and I can't design scenery like Ian, or models like Milton (mind you, who can, the man is an artist) and the others - but I dabble, I prod, I poke, I ask irritating questions and, little by little, I've got to the stage where I can return something (not much, true) to this hobby.

But it isn't just about modelling, or painting, or making Afcads; it's about encouragement, giving positive feedback and constructive criticism, coming up with ideas, giving pointers - for example, I've got a fair amount of reference material, which has allowed me to provide Matt with info he needs for a project on a few occasions or filled gaps in his knowledge. And people round these parts are approachable, if you want to try something just ask, you'll probably find somebody willing to help; Matt's comment about his tutorials is a classic example.

We've lost some good names from this forum (for example, I haven't seen any of our Dutch contingent for a good while), but we've gained some new bods as well (Shessi, with his "from the floor up" revamps of Ted Cook's models, Nigel with his soundsets etc, Hooky with his RNAS stuff are just three names that spring to mind) so, as Granny Weatherwax might say "We Aten't Dead Yet". For a variety of reasons I'd been reluctant to contribute fully here, but maybe now is the time to swallow my pride and leap back in; so watch out for a few TSR2 repaints (well, Matt painted, I decalled (like that one Steve)) in the next day or so!

Maarten, have you checked out Gimp? It does a fair chunk of what Photoshop and PSP can do, including working with layers; here's a link, because searching for it in Google could produce the wrong result!
Maarten, have you checked out Gimp? It does a fair chunk of what Photoshop and PSP can do, including working with layers; here's a link, because searching for it in Google could produce the wrong result!

I haven't yet, Andy. Thanks for the hint and link. I'll check that one out. :)

I am defending

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the FS9 :salute:
