To the silent majority

Come on folks we need too find Milton a panel xml coder type person, now I know this be witchcraft too many of us here, or is it just me again ? So if anyone knows anyone , can blackmail anyone or is good at number crunching ( I'm guessing :isadizzy:) and a fast learner who feels you might be able too contribute, Stalin is willing too provide a delux celler with its own bucket and gruel twice a day if needed for the duration for free. But would prefer a volunteer, If you visit other sites, please keep your eyes peeled, if you spot some potential talent please point them Milton's way. After all if you ask they can only say no. So please go on a witch hunt but please don't burn them this time, and you know who you are I'm talking too Matt who shall remain nameless :icon_lol:

Thanks Milton for all the great models you have contributed over the years.

Come on folks we need too find Milton a panel xml coder type person
A reputed name is Edetroit ... in action on Avsim forums
I think he know many things about panel coding ....
Unfortunately it seems that his work is not public (for any reasons) but instead show in many videos
The Su-22 is worth considering.

I mentioned your MiG 23 project on MAIW some time back, there are people there very excited about the possibilities it opens up (including me - there are some gaps in the skies of India that desperately need filling); an SU-22 would be equally well received.

To an extent this ties in with Steve's thread about keeping FS9 alive; the AI work that is being done over there is predominantly for FS9 and we have seen some amazing stuff of late, including a whole raft of 'retro' models from John Young & Mike Pearson (and both have more in the pipeline). And there is cross fertilisation going on there as well; we've all seen the previews Manschy keeps posting for ACG's * upcoming Gutersloh, which will benefit greatly from John's new Harriers.

Now all we need is a panel designer ...... Milton, a quick squint over at FSDeveloper saw a very familiar name, Lionheart, popping up frequently in the panel design forum; maybe he can point you toward somebody? And maybe it's something I should take a look at ..... :kilroy:

* Another bunch of good guys.
Thanks for the "kicker" Stalin :)

I have been taking a break myself (with just an occasional dabbling) and hopefully allowing the guys who really make our aircraft nice take a break as well. Nigel was in bad need of stress relief me thinks :)

But I have been able to accommodate some requests: Garry J Smith's DH-80A project and a new one with floats; adjustments to the S2Turbo Tracker for Firekitten's textures; took down my website and sent content to Garry J. Smith to load on his server; sent modeling tutes to requestors; done a little beta testing for Manuele; rounded up paint kits for requestors; assisted users with flight model adjustments and texture issues in FSX; etc.
Once Nigel is back in action, I will be also. My biggest issue moving forward is lack of a panel/gauge designer (xml coder). I may have to change the way we deliver projects if this cannot be resolved.

We still have the following projects in progress: Dash 7 (3 new models, several new paint schemes WIP); PV-2 Harpoon plus D model; XP47J and XP47H; S2T Tracker (3 new models); HMS Bounty.

It is good to remind folks who may be interested in getting involved in modeling, painting, scenery, or panel design that there are many forums out there that focus specifically on this stuff and many are ready to help.

And, oh BTW SteveB, I will never forget the many hours I invested reloading all your paints to our new library system, one by one, hour after hour, day after day. :) Thank you

Add my most grateful thanks to 'Stalin' too.

Nigel WILL be back in action!!!

No stress ever caused from working on these exciting projects, Milt - quite the opposite; not being able to progress due to RW delays is the sole cause of that.

Hope to be around more often, SOON!

My Best Regards to all of you fine Gentlemen. :wavey:


PS: Ouzo all round!
A reputed name is Edetroit ... in action on Avsim forums
I think he know many things about panel coding ....
Unfortunately it seems that his work is not public (for any reasons) but instead show in many videos

If that's the same Edetroit from the Project Tupolev forums, then yes indeed he is VERY talented!

Does anyone know of a tutorial on xml? I was a C++ programmer years ago before my foray into upper management. I'd like to see what is involved.

I have dabbled a bit into repaints in a very amateurish way and the only one I considered viewable by others was sent to a member here via email. I have also had a personal project ongoing for many years on a complete line of the Fiat G.59 series, but alas it is on hold after several HD demises and currently a laptop that barely runs browsers. The Fiat will be completed someday as it is a very personal favourite. When that will happen, who knows, but it will happen. Manuele (our resident Italian a/c guru!) was kind enough to offer manuals on the Fiat, but unfortunately my ISP wouldn't allow the email sizes and when he also very kindly put them up on another site, my ISP also refused to work with that site. THANK YOU Manuele for your efforts to try to help!! They were appreciated!

In closing, I enjoy this site tremendously. I don't contribute much as my limited experience is totally eclipsed by the many experts here. THANK YOU to all of you that contribute to my enjoyment of this wonderful hobby!
I still need to finish a manual. And a 737. And some repaints for an EMB-110. And do some AI paints. And...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH WHY DID YOU REMIND ME?!?
Come on folks we need too find Milton a panel xml coder type person, now I know this be witchcraft too many of us here, or is it just me again ? So if anyone knows anyone , can blackmail anyone or is good at number crunching ( I'm guessing :isadizzy:) and a fast learner who feels you might be able too contribute, Stalin is willing too provide a delux celler with its own bucket and gruel twice a day if needed for the duration for free. But would prefer a volunteer, If you visit other sites, please keep your eyes peeled, if you spot some potential talent please point them Milton's way. After all if you ask they can only say no. So please go on a witch hunt but please don't burn them this time, and you know who you are I'm talking too Matt who shall remain nameless :icon_lol:

Thanks Milton for all the great models you have contributed over the years.


Hmmm... what about Glenn Copeland? He has made quite a few Gauges and such for many Freeware airplanes...

Ssshhhh!! I am silent, I AM stealth personified. I am still not here. I move undetected between the posts, nobody can see me or hear me.


PS. Good to see you Nigel, been quiet round here without you.
PPS. I have no idea how to program gauges, Mopar Mike did some for me back in CFS2, but they are C+ programmed, not XML and I think he's all but retired now anyway.

Ssshhhh!! I am silent, I AM stealth personified. I am still not here. I move undetected between the posts, nobody can see me or hear me.


PS. Good to see you Nigel, been quiet round here without you.
PPS. I have no idea how to program gauges, Mopar Mike did some for me back in CFS2, but they are C+ programmed, not XML and I think he's all but retired now anyway.

Oh, my poor eyes!
I'm afraid to say that the Molyneaux, Horsey, Pengelly team are not in any way or form going to retire soon from FS2004, as we have three projects at least in production!!! One is at an early build stage as we speak and the other two being fully researched. After these, we have a few ideas but it has to be an executive decision as to what is to be built. If we can't find all of the necessary manuals etc, then its not going to be true to life, and in our views not worth building.

Watch this space!!!


I'm afraid to say that the Molyneaux, Horsey, Pengelly team are not in any way or form going to retire soon from FS2004, as we have three projects at least in production!!! One is at an early build stage as we speak and the other two being fully researched. After these, we have a few ideas but it has to be an executive decision as to what is to be built. If we can't find all of the necessary manuals etc, then its not going to be true to life, and in our views not worth building.

Watch this space!!!


Its very nice to hear that you stay with followers of old faith, lol, abstinence would be hard for me as i become quite addicted to unpredictable British classics about which I have never thought before.
I also wish very best to Britsim and hope that bast***s who hacked it will get what they deserved
Its very nice to hear that you stay with followers of old faith, lol, abstinence would be hard for me as i become quite addicted to unpredictable British classics about which I have never thought before.
I also wish very best to Britsim and hope that bast***s who hacked it will get what they deserved

AMEN There Brother Britsim ain't been the same since it got hacked, I hope they can get it back in shape soon. :ernae:
Hi all,

we have encountered a CTD problem during beta testing of my new global textures for FS9:!/page7

Not really being a scenery designer, I have no experience in bgl editing. Could someone more knowledgeable point me in the right direction for a good bgl-editing tool?

I don't want to change anything, just see what textures are called up. There seems to be a format problem with one of my replacement textures which I haven't found that appears with certain addon sceneries.

Regards and thanks,