To the silent majority

I'd love to post screenies, but the only rig we have right now just doesn't have the graphics abilities to enjoy flying. I'm hoping to remedy that soon, but for now, I keep FS9 installed for reference so I can support questions here. I still download new releases and have a pretty massive folder to transfer to a new rig once I get it. But I sure do miss taking a Connie from GSO to MIA or or using a Catalina for a scenic Hawaiian tour starting and ending at HNL's 9W.

your BF109 paints are great, I just now downloaded the Molders and the older Sicilian Spades repaints, thank you and apologies for not saying this earlier.

You are right, I too take all the efforts for granted sometimes!

Best wishes,
It's very nice but hate too disappoint you its flyable.


No disappointment here either... in fact, I have been romping around in that jet for the last couple of days. Like the Bf-109, Russian Jets 'look' the part of their intended purpose... "sinister, all business, no frills, hunting machines".


your BF109 paints are great, I just now downloaded the Molders and the older Sicilian Spades repaints, thank you and apologies for not saying this earlier.

You are right, I too take all the efforts for granted sometimes!

Best wishes,

I think you might be referring too Huubs repaints there, They are good.
mostly spend my time on the dark side now, but have done many more repaInt's than I've posted for uploaded here. Mostly for my own pleasure. I reallt think that the jump in and figure it out is the best way to learn how to do it. But I would like to point out that without fail, no matter who I have asked a specific question of on these forums, (and I've asked lot's by PM and email) prompt and helpful answers have always been given. My experience is that the folks here are more willing to share info than almost anybody for which I give long overdue thanks
Next to FSX repaints I still do FS2004 repaints as well. I'm currently working on a highly detailed paintkit for a payware FSX model. And there are still some Bf109 Friederichs for FS2004 in the paintshop, I'm planning a few repaints for Wozza's P-51 (FS2004) and I still want to do a HD paintkit for the Restauravia Bloch Mb151.
(More plans than spare time actually)

So for me FS2004 is definitely not dead yet. But as there is far more available already for FS9 (both aircraft as scenery) than for FSX there is less to develop, therefore there are also less developments to discuss. People like Uncle Milton, Manuele Villa, A.F. Scrub, Dave Molyneux, etc. are still creating models for FS2004. So yhere is enough and still enough to look forward to.

BTW I have a hangar full with FS9 repaints which I never uploaded. Some examples:

At least 3 Macchi MC.200 liveries for Mr Ito's model

At least 5 different Fiat G.55 liveries

2 bf109 Friederich liveries for the Flight replicas model

2 liveries for Mr Ito's Fokker G.1

Next to that at least 5 liveries for BrunoSK's CFS2 Spitfire (which works in FS9 as well with some work).

But you should also be realistic. FS2004 is over 10 years old. Logically the number of people who stop flying in FS2004 is larger than the number of people who will start to fly in FS2004.

aaaargh Huub

Huub how do you dare tortue us this way Please please and oh yes please upload these they are just superb and I also spied an Argentine one please

Dankjevel if thats how its spellt

In Swedish it would be Snalla och Tack
Note about FSRepaint

I too have tried my hand only to be confuddled by the layers and pulling and other wierdos so I wet out and bought FSRepaint yes I know its not what the pros use but I am a complete noob and proud to say so. One question whilst I remember can FSRepaint handle layers as I noticed that if you use FSRepaint then you tend to lose the panel lines and other goodies. If anybpdy knows how to avoid this would greatly appreciate any help

There is a whole world out there that most of you never visit.

Stop in for an online flight sometime or enter a race we host. It's a lot of fun.

And we have a few races in the works at the moment. If you haven't flown online with friends, you don't know what you've missed.

As for painting, I still do one on occasion, but it has to be something I can really get into and that's usually something I'm wanting to fly.
I think you might be referring too Huubs repaints there, They are good.

Ouch! You are right of course. I have been airing a lot of old WWII planes lately and looking for repaints, I think the last paint I got from you was for Piglet's Storch. Operation Todt?

Anyways I have your repaints for the L39 in my hangar, I am sure of that!


P.S. also many thanks to Huub for the Me109 repaints!

The problem with the G.55 is that there are two different models around. This model is one of them and altered by me to remove "shine". So the only way to make them available is as a complete model. But I honestly don't know who made all the mods (like the panel/VC) which I have in my G.55.
I think I will make the model available with all mods and just put a disclaimer in the read-me.


edit: You're welcome Sacha66
But you should also be realistic. FS2004 is over 10 years old. Logically the number of people who stop flying in FS2004 is larger than the number of people who will start to fly in FS2004.

That makes it a well established ongoing classic! A great fan base keeping it alive!
I will do my bit, may it only be tiny...

Ooh, that looks nice. For AI use? You'll be popular at MAIW too if it is.

This has been around for longer."MiG-21U+Series"&CatID=fs2004aia&Go=Search

And that is still a work in progress.

View attachment 91595


View attachment 91593

View attachment 91594

The Su-22 is worth considering.
FS2004 is over 10 years old. Logically the number of people who stop flying in FS2004 is larger than the number of people who will start to fly in FS2004.


All the scenery that Sid (Sidney Schwartz) & I do is only done for FS2004 , although some has been tried out in FSX by others.

We're helping to keep the flame alive.

I have been watching those 23's and am eagerly awaiting some shots of the UB :salute:
I'm sure FS9/FS2004 will keep on going for quite a while. Wouldn't be surprised if it would become the Dakota (excuse me: DC-3 or C-47) of flight simulators. (which could mean that it will survive me. :icon_lol: ) Provided of course that Windows would still be FS friendly.

I'm sure FS9/FS2004 will keep on going for quite a while. Wouldn't be surprised if it would become the Dakota (excuse me: DC-3 or C-47) of flight simulators. (which could mean that it will survive me. :icon_lol: ) Provided of course that Windows would still be FS friendly.


Come on Maarten Microsoft struggle too keep Windows PC friendly these days :icon_lol:
Thanks for the "kicker" Stalin :)

I have been taking a break myself (with just an occasional dabbling) and hopefully allowing the guys who really make our aircraft nice take a break as well. Nigel was in bad need of stress relief me thinks :)

But I have been able to accommodate some requests: Garry J Smith's DH-80A project and a new one with floats; adjustments to the S2Turbo Tracker for Firekitten's textures; took down my website and sent content to Garry J. Smith to load on his server; sent modeling tutes to requestors; done a little beta testing for Manuele; rounded up paint kits for requestors; assisted users with flight model adjustments and texture issues in FSX; etc.
Once Nigel is back in action, I will be also. My biggest issue moving forward is lack of a panel/gauge designer (xml coder). I may have to change the way we deliver projects if this cannot be resolved.

We still have the following projects in progress: Dash 7 (3 new models, several new paint schemes WIP); PV-2 Harpoon plus D model; XP47J and XP47H; S2T Tracker (3 new models); HMS Bounty.

It is good to remind folks who may be interested in getting involved in modeling, painting, scenery, or panel design that there are many forums out there that focus specifically on this stuff and many are ready to help.

And, oh BTW SteveB, I will never forget the many hours I invested reloading all your paints to our new library system, one by one, hour after hour, day after day. :) Thank you