Rob has updated his Seafire MK24 & 47, Shorts 360 and Sport Cruiser for P3D V5 with PBR v5 models.htm v5 models.htm
warbirdsim P-51's seems to work just fine
as does Milton's Marauder
My Alabeo Staggerwing just wants to dive into the ground though..
Has anyone figured out if there's actually a difference in the aircraft for the Sim Skunk Works V5 installers, or is it just a new installer that looks for the P3d V5 directory by default? Trying to figure out if I need to re-purchase my SSW stuff, or if I can just tell the old installers to go to the new directory.
I've bought the Tornado, there are very few files in the airplane folder that changed in 2020 - 3 VBS install scripts, 2 DLLs (panavia.dll and pa200radar.dll) and the default profile...Has anyone figured out if there's actually a difference in the aircraft for the Sim Skunk Works V5 installers, or is it just a new installer
I have certainly done this with quite a few of my items -- the SSW F-4 and allied products, as an example.
All you have to do is copy the appropriate entries in "add-ons.cfg". Renumber them, but don't change where they're pointing. This is only for those items you have external to the sim.
Those items you've installed in the sim proper will have to be moved the hard way, or re-installed.
Some products do have a dedicated P3Dv5 version (the Bookmark J35J Draken, for example), so you'd need to check/change if required.
I'm afraid I can't say if the Zipper/G-91, etc are new versions. I haven't a clue.
The Just Flight Meteor is working.
Noddy, just installed the Milviz F-100 straight into P3D v5. Works perfectly. Great flight with all the gauges, bells and whistles working. Maybe give it another try. Great aircraft.Yep the F-100 is not working for me nor is the T-38.