Victory, I did the same thing as Noddy transferred by hand. Where does one access the Aerosoft Updater?
Tom, after reading on Aerosoft forums, one would have to purchase an new add-on to have the updater. I was running the CRJ Pro, re-downloaded the latest P3D F-14X, and the Updater has it listed now with the other Aerosoft add-ons I own. I'm showing current Tomcat is P3D version
Thanks Victory, the P3D version is the one I have. It works perfectly in P3D v4.5. Still trying to get the ships in the scenarios to show. John Cagle did a great job with this package.Tom, after reading on Aerosoft forums, one would have to purchase an new add-on to have the updater. I was running the CRJ Pro, re-downloaded the latest P3D F-14X, and the Updater has it listed now with the other Aerosoft add-ons I own. I'm showing current Tomcat is P3D version
Trim it.
It looks really nice, the Carenado Beech D18, but while the Staggerwing keeps diving, this one keeps climbing, really annoying. Anybody else had this as well?
Hello Everyone,As promised we have begun updating our Lockheed Prepar3d platform range, for free, from v4 version to the current v5. The following products for v5 are now live on the A2A Simulations Store;
-Accu-sim C172 Trainer
-Accu-sim Bonanza
-Accu-sim Cub
-Accu-feel v2
A2A Simulations Store customers can download from their accounts the v5 versions of the software where relevant. Its also worth noting they can be installed side by side with v4 versions just like P3D itself for those that are still running v4 also.
Third Party vendors will be receiving the updated software over the coming days so if you are a third party vendor customer those will be coming very soon.
As always any issues or questions please post on the support forums so we can get you up and flying and answer what we can.
Good news, but their post is a quite confusing. I had to read it more than once, and am still not sure I totally understand it all. NC
ASP3D will be offered as a free upgrade from ASP4 for a limited time that includes the planned OPEN BETA testing period. We expect the OPEN BETA period to take 2-3 weeks but many factors can influence and change this. All ASP4 licensees may participate at any time during the OPEN BETA period.
After official release, all registered OPEN BETA participants will receive the full release version free of charge.
As I understand each current user of ASP3Dv4 who will register in Open Beta program will recive AS for P3Dv5 for free.
Open beta will apply - 2-3 weeks till the final version, so this upgrade will be for free.
I own the Tomcat, but only latest version listed on my download order list is for the P3DV4 version, and not the you have listed. I tried downloading it again. Not updated. Curious and frustrating. NC
And I really don't want to have to buy something, just to get a updater. That is BS!
Aerosoft - F-14 Extended(FSX-2.02/P3DV4-3.0.1)
Same problem here. I have tried just about everything I can think of with no joy. I can't get the scenario Kitty Hawk to show either. AICarriers works great placing the Kitty Hawk but it should also work in the scenarios. Help would be greatly appreciated. I have been trying for about a week to solve the problem. Last resort will be to try to contact John Cagle. Update: Just found what is probably the answer to the Aerosoft F-14 scenario problem. The flight files are FLT but the basic flight scenario file is in Fxml format. I will work on this further. Still looking into the after burner issue.I have the still-beautiful and awesome Aerosoft Tomcat installed in V5, but no afterburners are visual. Anyone have a possible fix? Thanks, NC
Same problem here. I have tried just about everything I can think of with no joy. I can't get the scenario Kitty Hawk to show either. AICarriers works great placing the Kitty Hawk but it should also work in the scenarios. Help would be greatly appreciated. I have been trying for about a week to solve the problem. Last resort will be to try to contact John Cagle. Update: Just found what is probably the answer to the Aerosoft F-14 scenario problem. The flight files are FLT but the basic flight scenario file is in Fxml format. I will work on this further. Still looking into the after burner issue.
Well I found a solution for the scenarios. The old FLT file will load. There is just no Kitty Hawk. I tried renaming the old FLT to Fxml but that didn't work at all. So, I loaded the FLT and once the F-14 was in the air and flying I saved the flight with a new name. Next I reloaded the new saved scenario and guess what the Kitty Hawk appeared right where it should be with all the support ships. Worked perfectly. Now what one needs to do is load each FLT file, let the scenario get started for a few seconds then save it with a similar but new name. That should convert all the Aerosoft F-14 Extended supplied scenario flight to the new Fxml format. I am off the changing all the files by using the above technique. Still looking for an answer to the afterburner problem.I much appreciate your efforts. The Kitty without burner effects just ain't the same! NC