Something is eating massive frames again.....Using stock default.xml and went from normal 50 fps locked to 15-16...
Thank you :salute:
Indeed it's there but one subfolder folder is empty
Is this on purpose :ques:
Anyone else notice a massive FPS decrease in this latest batch? Went from a solid 50 fps (locked) to about 15-18? Haven't seen those numbers since I first got FS9...
So after playing around, I came to the conclusion that the FPS decrease is from the autogen. Replaced the default.xml with the original one, and bam....back up to 50 fps locked...
I could be wrong, but I don't think so. But even turning down the autogen slider with the 3d lights to dense yields plenty of lights so still enjoy good fps.
.....definitely look better at height.
Out of EGYD, via EGXC, turning northwards.
View attachment 93769
Climbing from FL050, over the Humber Estuary.
View attachment 93771View attachment 93772
Through FL090, to FL170.
Smile for the birdie.....and at rest (in the bar).
Buildings are in general pretty good - but your roofs need some work. The coloration and discoloration I'm seeing here are completely appropriate for the equatorial region - but these screenshots are taken in Oklahoma City! I've also attached a screenshot or two of the "downtown greenery" issue. You'll see the same thing in Germany, too - I took a similar screenshot outside of ETUO, but that didn't convert as well...
View attachment 94148
Something is eating massive frames again.....Using stock default.xml and went from normal 50 fps locked to 15-16...
I uploaded a set of new autogen building textures for the US and Europe into the BETA_2.0_EVO/updates directory. Hopefully this should fix the roofs, thank you for pointing this out.
In the attached screenshot I believe only the textures to the right of the center are mine, probably also due to seasonal change. I'm attaching two screenshot of Oklahoma City with UTUSA as I see it.
Something is eating massive frames again.....Using stock default.xml and went from normal 50 fps locked to 15-16...
Having a hard time finding the update. I am looking at dropbox, under the EV0 2.0 updates and only see theHi Nater,
I checked the Beta 2 files and indeed found that the treesu.bmp file in the original Beta 1 (w/o tweaks) was in dxt1. The tweak between versions and the Beta 2 are 32 bit which make them about eight times as large.
So if you were using the original version you might have a loss of fps using the Beta 2 file because of the large number of trees.
I have uploaded a dxt1 bmp for the new Beta 2 version which is only 682 kb compared to the 5.33 mb of the normal Bete 2. You'll find it in the BETA_2.0_EVO/updates directory.
There is almost no loss in visual quality.
Just drop it in your FS9/texture folder.
Hope this gives you back some fps!
Having a hard time finding the update. I am looking at dropbox, under the EV0 2.0 updates and only see the and
I'm enjoying the runway textures too, Sascha. And have had no dramas with CTD's or anything. Much better blending of textures. Of course cant expect every area to match perfectly or not have reoccurring textures etc.
Although for kicks, try inserting in google maps, Horsham, Victoria. A town several hours west of where I live in Australia. Zoom out a little and take note of the reoccurring paddocks and fields!!!
Yup! Got it! ThanksThe file was in there unzipped, just bmp format. I zipped it and reuploaded it - can you see it now?