FS9 Xtreme Evolution: beta testers wanted!

Everyone should download the changed file (from post #196, I have attached it here too). I don't know if it will fix all CTD issues, but it would be interesting to see if the Bella Coola problem was due to the same file ... Nayway changing this file also fixed a crash issue I was getting on exit, so it seems to interact with FS2004 in strange ways and worth fixing even if you don't think you have problems like me.

Due to Nater's input I found another set which needs to be reformatted, I attach these also.

A nice weekend to all of you!

I can't seem to download these. Strange.

Got them, thanks.

The 'blurries' were cured by limiting my FPS.


Now what I would like to find out is which config setting controls the alpha fade in of the autogen, I used to have a good setting but I recently been fiddling about, unfortunately I can't find that tweak anymore.

I now get whole squares of autogen popping up.

Now I could go back to my backup but then I would loose my new tweaks because I donÄt know which of these caused the change in autogen!

Sascha, that is a main reason I do not believe in the whole 'When beta testing, return everything to stock...' Had I done that, I would have not have experienced the crashing occurring, and been able to fix it with you.
Sascha, that is a main reason I do not believe in the whole 'When beta testing, return everything to stock...' Had I done that, I would have not have experienced the crashing occurring, and been able to fix it with you.

I agree absolutely, beta testing should be done on as many setups as possible - lots of different addons around and there are many potential conflicts.

It IS funny though that the file causing the CTD here is the very first file in the folder:pop4:

Everyone should download the changed file (from post #196, I have attached it here too). I don't know if it will fix all CTD issues, but it would be interesting to see if the Bella Coola problem was due to the same file ... Nayway changing this file also fixed a crash issue I was getting on exit, so it seems to interact with FS2004 in strange ways and worth fixing even if you don't think you have problems like me.

Due to Nater's input I found another set which needs to be reformatted, I attach these also.

A nice weekend to all of you!

I just inserted the previous offending file back and had no CTD. :) When I get the chance I'll try with VOZ but I dont think this will matter one way or another because the VOZ textures/Landclass for Australia are pretty good but I'll check anyway. Always good to have an option or two.
I just inserted the previous offending file back and had no CTD. :) When I get the chance I'll try with VOZ but I dont think this will matter one way or another because the VOZ textures/Landclass for Australia are pretty good but I'll check anyway. Always good to have an option or two.

Hey, good to hear this!

I will release Beta 2 by Thursday because I'll be away on holiday after that.

I'll have a laptop and www, will take along my files and begin tweaking autumn season for release. Got to carry over all adaptions into the other seasons.

Best wishes,
Got them, thanks.

The 'blurries' were cured by limiting my FPS.


For me, I set both the terrain_default_radius and the terrain_extended_radius back to their default of 4.0000000

Terrain values are:


Now I get neither blurries nor stutters. I also have limited my FPS.
For me, I set both the terrain_default_radius and the terrain_extended_radius back to their default of 4.0000000

Terrain values are:


Now I get neither blurries nor stutters. I also have limited my FPS.

I've found that a MAX_DEM_AREA value greater than '1024' has no effect - at least on my hardware.
My FPS is currently set at "25", to see if that's a value I can live with. It may change.

I currently have:

I've found that a MAX_DEM_AREA value greater than '1024' has no effect - at least on my hardware.
My FPS is currently set at "25", to see if that's a value I can live with. It may change.

I currently have:


I have my FPS limited to 26, for me that is just right!

Awesome, Sascha! :applause:

Flying around Germany, wow. I love it. Quick look at the US and UK, great job. Gotta run. Got some testing to do. :jump:
Sascha is abroad and having a difficult time accessing the site.

He sent me a message this morning.
Could you please do me a favor and post in the FS9 Evolution Beta thread that the Beta 2.0 is available in the usual folder?

The folder name is "BETA_2.0_EVO".
Thank you :salute:
Indeed it's there but one subfolder folder is empty
Is this on purpose :ques:
Anyone else notice a massive FPS decrease in this latest batch? Went from a solid 50 fps (locked) to about 15-18? Haven't seen those numbers since I first got FS9...
Indeed ... just tested ... and I have a FPS decrease .. in some places and stutters ...
Not sure about what is responsible ....