FS9 Xtreme Evolution: beta testers wanted!

So after playing around, I came to the conclusion that the FPS decrease is from the autogen. Replaced the default.xml with the original one, and bam....back up to 50 fps locked...
I think there is more autogen perhaps. Actually, flying around a bit, possibly a small drop here and there in fps. I actually re-sized my autogen buildings to 128x128 from 512 wondering if that would fix it. Perhaps a little.
So after playing around, I came to the conclusion that the FPS decrease is from the autogen. Replaced the default.xml with the original one, and bam....back up to 50 fps locked...
Indeed .. now no more FPS drop or stutters !
I could be wrong, but I don't think so. But even turning down the autogen slider with the 3d lights to dense yields plenty of lights so still enjoy good fps.
The replacement program for Filemon is Process Monitor here:


EDIT: This is a very sophisticated program with lots of options. Attached are some recommendations. If this runs okay but it is too cumbersome for you, PM me and I will share the old 32-bit Filemon program, simple, easy to use.

Going back in time a little here, but just wondering how this program actually works and what I'm looking for when I get a CTD. Not much in the way of instructions specific for fs9.
Jon et al

Did we ever find out why there weren't any textures in the "texture" folder in the dropbox?
Hi all,

I'm back home after 3 weeks vacation in Russia! I had some unexpected access problems, in fact I could not access the outhouse at all from ANY machine I could use. Almost as if there was a kind of block for Russian sites ...

Well I'll do my best to catch up asap, will set aside the weekend.

If I can manage I will upload the files for the fs9/texture folder earlier, I didn't manage before I had to leave.

Best wishes to all!
Hi all.

I added the missing files for the fs9\texture folder just now.

I also uploaded some updated files to go into the fs9\scenery\world\texture directory.

Best wishes!
Buildings are in general pretty good - but your roofs need some work. The coloration and discoloration I'm seeing here are completely appropriate for the equatorial region - but these screenshots are taken in Oklahoma City! I've also attached a screenshot or two of the "downtown greenery" issue. You'll see the same thing in Germany, too - I took a similar screenshot outside of ETUO, but that didn't convert as well...
View attachment 94148View attachment 94147View attachment 94146
Nice job, Sascha. Haven't had time to test ALL the textures - just added the updated world textures - but they look great. Bit more variety in the forests now.
Hi guys,

I just uploaded a patched update for Beta 2. It is found in the Beta 2 EVO folder of the dropbox in a directory appropiately called "updates". I fixed some tiling issues I noticed in the old stuff. This replaces the previous updates and includes a couple of additional texture sets as well as improving the previously updated files in some cases. If you have already downloaded yesterday, just replace the files with the new ones. I deleted the old update files from the drop box. Here is what is included ...

View attachment 94221 Improved European and US mountains. More variety in one set.
View attachment 94218 Improved coloring of mountains to better fit other textures
View attachment 94219 Fixed the roofs of European houses. Some variety in forests/grass for more eroded Alps.
View attachment 94220 Changed some grass textures so that the Alps have a more realistically eroded look in some parts. Alps are less dark.
View attachment 94222 Same goes for the Mediterannean islands.
View attachment 94223 Changed the water reflection maps for noon and overcast to get a better color. Here in South Africa.
View attachment 94224 South Africa again.
View attachment 94225 Also fixed the roofs of US houses (for both North and South).

Fixed building textures are in a separate folder in the updates directory.

Watch out for next posts!

Updated files include reworks of most desert textures. Extra details aded, blending improved between different sets, some files changed to better fit the terrain type. Showcased in the screenshots is Australia:

View attachment 94226 Better blending of desert and grass textures.
View attachment 94227 More details.
View attachment 94228 Different desert sets work better together.
View attachment 94229 You now get more gullies and rills.
View attachment 94230 More large terrain features, less tiling.

View attachment 94232 Further improved color to be more natural. Lots of color variation in one set.

Next post will show US deserts.
