Introducing the Avia 51

Milton, I am happy for a relatively unknown aircraft about to grace our virtual skies ... progress looks great so far ! Mike ;)
Just for the record...

Hi ya Nigel,Check this out .....'s me with the white bone dome , doing what I love doing :jump: :jump:Anytime you're down here, the front seat's available. :icon29:Pete.

After serious contemplation (my first go...its not too bad actually, just can't seem to get the hang of it), I decided to answer Pete's most generous offer by PM!

"Boy's making progress" I hear Milton whisper to himself (don't Milton, that's how I started...ya know...whispering to myself?).

My 'quick' reply would have taken this thread to page 1,001 at least, (mostly using the word; 'thankyou'. So would your's with an offer of a lifetime like this!!!)!!!

And as tolerant and democratic (not politics idiots) as Milton is, I didn't wan't to clog up this place and face the music...far too much noise to listen to already :icon_lol: albeit noise for Mr. Shupe's superb creations.

So just so as folk don't mistake me for being impolite:
T H A N K Y O U P E T E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:medals::icon29:

Now, Milton; clearing the airbands right away Sir, Thanks!
Engine Graphic

I think Oleboy and I have the engine graphic now pretty close to what I prefer, subtlety without losing the radial essence.Some of you may prefer a brighter graphic. If so, we can provide the source for you to alter.

EDIT: Lightened it up just a touch.
Wing Airfoil Data Help Needed

I am working on the flight model and could use some help identifying airfoil data for the Avia 51.

It is likely not possible to find but maybe a similar wing on a Lockheed early 30's era unit would work that Nebesar worked on.

Any ideas?

The only related data I have besides standard performance is:

Wing span = 50'
Wing area = 410

· Lift-to-drag: 10.2
· Wing loading: 94 kg/m² (19.3 lb/sq ft)

and these comments:

The value ofthe E v e r 1 i n g " High-SpeedFigure " is 20.9, which must beregarded as extremely good for athree-engined machine, and showsthat the minimum drag coefficientis low. Another very importantfactor in a commercial machine isthe maximum ratio of lift to drag.The maximum L/D of theAvia 51 is 10.2 or, expressedotherwise, the best gliding angleis 5 degrees 35 minutes. Thewing loading is high (19.3lb./sq. ft.), and as the maximumlift coefficient is about normal(0.75 in British " absolute "units), the landing speed is alsohigh. The figure 62 m.p.h. is​
quoted by the firm,
IIRC all the Lockheed 'Wooden Wonders' (Vega, Air Express, Explorer, Sirius/Altair and Orion) all used the venerable Clark Y airfoil. Hope this helps. Progress is looking good! :ernae:

Edit: Found it here: Search for 'Avia', it's about a tenth of the way down (it's a long list) but I copied this part:
Conventional Aircraft: Wing Root Airfoil Wing Tip Airfoil
... ... ...
Avia 51 Clark Y Clark Y
My first guess would be the Clark Y which was in widespread use at the time. It was used on the Orion and fairly sure the Vegas used it as well. The Orion's airfoil had a root to cord thickness ratio of 18%.

One of the drawings shows a root section on the inboard fuselage view but it does not look like a Clark. I have some airfoil books and will try to match the drawing.

Edit; You beat me to it Drzook. I was still searching Selig and Donovan's book.
Thanks guys. That cured my drag issues big time. One step closer now on the FM.

I haven't found any definitive data on prop length so if you ran across that ... :)
A direct approach. Very much WIP.

For best viewing results, right click, view image.

Thanks John. This is a tedious effort. I've done numerous photo real schemes, though this one is difficult due to not having other reference material of clarity. The top areas around the nose, the wing, and wing fillets under the wings are really frustrating. I just hope I don't get so frustrated that I cease my intention. (sigh)

To all followers of the Avia, Damian Radice (RIP) I'll never be.
Please don't be too judgmental. A little atmosphere. Must be one with the object. (chants) Ohhhhhmmmm, Ohhhhhmmmm :) Nothing set in stone here.
