Ito San did it again: a Fokker D.XXIII available

Thanks Mike, on the prop problem in FSX. . . .I just ignore it, lol. Nothing can be done about it as it's in the model and Ito isn't inclined to change the way he does that so I just try not to let it bother me too much, lol. I don't spend a lot of time outside the VC so I rarely see the problem all that much anyway.

Also spruced up the VC a bit as well:

That's looking great!

well erm.... someone ended up in England with the thing, needless to say 'Crab Air' have already been slapping paint onto it....

The XXIII may have ended up at Farnborough, but I don't know what else may have been applied other
than the camo and sundry British markings. Air Ministry Number?
Definitely a nice job on the VC, Falcon... which gauges are you using? I was contemplating trying to use gauges from the Koolhoven FK58 sometime... after all, I figured, Dutch gauges for a Dutch aircraft...
If you are interested...

Thanks Mike, on the prop problem in FSX. . . .I just ignore it, lol. Nothing can be done about it as it's in the model and Ito isn't inclined to change the way he does that so I just try not to let it bother me too much, lol. I don't spend a lot of time outside the VC so I rarely see the problem all that much anyway.

Also spruced up the VC a bit as well:

This progress got me inspired to do some "scratch" bezels... that can be used for either mlx textures... or 2D panels...
I can make them available in dds, bmp, extended bmp or whatever format to spruce up either 2d or Vc panels...
just let me know...
by the way... I downloaded the aircraft from but like I stated before... either I am blind or there is no
VC files in it... just the old Ito style rudimentary 2D panel...

View attachment 67577
The VC panel is on the "cockpit.bmp" texture. There is a VC section in the panel.cfg file as well:

gauge00=P38F_Lightning!Landing-Gear-Flaps-Indicator, 54,227,83,82
gauge01=Maule_M7_260C!altimeter, 186,37,115,114
gauge02=Maule_M7_260C!attitude, 334,38,129,129
gauge03=Maule_M7_260C!vsi, 496,42,109,109
gauge04=Maule_M7_260C!turn_bank, 500,199,105,105
gauge05=Maule_M7_260C!clock, 69,120,60,60
gauge06=Maule_M7_260C!rpm, 669,73,66,66
gauge07=Maule_M7_260C!rpm, 763,72,66,66
gauge08=Maule_M7_260C!manifold_press, 669,164,64,65
gauge09=Maule_M7_260C!manifold_press, 761,165,64,64
gauge10=200D!hsi, 350,210,117,117
gauge11=200D!airspeed, 190,195,111,111
gauge12=200D!Amps, 674,260,58,56
gauge13=200D!Fuel_Quantity, 863,193,50,49
gauge14=SimIcons1024!ATC Icon, 678, 33 ,19,19
gauge15=SimIcons1024!GPS Icon, 701,33,19,19
gauge16=SimIcons1024!Map Icon, 724,33,19,19
gauge17=SimIcons1024!Kneeboard Icon, 747,33,19,19
gauge18=MAI-890!cyl_temp, 759,256,69,66
gauge19=MAI-890!cyl_temp, 857,257,66,66

Definitely a nice job on the VC, Falcon... which gauges are you using? I was contemplating trying to use gauges from the Koolhoven FK58 sometime... after all, I figured, Dutch gauges for a Dutch aircraft...
Thanks Mike. . .gauges, you can see from the panel config entry I posted for gaucho that I use just about anything that's available, lol. Never a concern about authenticity with me, lol.:salute:
That VC would be nice to have for Fs9 as well! I bumped up the gauge resolution from 512 to 1024 but of course the original turboprop instruments are still there.

For sounds I'm using Lawdog2360's Westland Whirlwind sounds. The RR Peregrines in that aircraft are watercooled and more powerful than the Sagitta, but so far I haven't found anything for an inverted, aircooled V12.
well with all these little Fokkers *Sniggers* it was inevitable the Luftwaffe got hold of one for trials.... gonna do 2 versions of this one, one with and without the Hakenkreuze on the tail :salute:
It's been a long time since I checked the uploads section every hour as I do now for Matt's repaints!

well that's 4 fictional done... 2 x RAF, and 2 x Luftwaffe... now onto the next one.... :jump:

they'll be up soon i hope Cees, the Dutch ones at least... fictional ones i'll upload when i get done :salute:
Excellent work Matt, and interested tweakers. :) Looking sweet!

Has anyone got the suspension to work? Seemed frozen on my version.
Hehe! Thought you´d never ask! That will be Soesterberg before 1940. I´m working on it when I have time.


Ah yes, now I remember. I knew you were working on it, but not sure of the current status. Thanks for the update. I like to
tour the Dutch bases in the D.XVI, not neccessarily taking the direct route. :eek:)