I spoke with him the other night. I cant go into details though, but he does know i'm seeking to convert the old model and seems to be ok with it as he has zero interest in ms2020. So, A gentleman here who will also be helping me correct the flight model should it need it, made a basic port over of the mdl. and I installed it. It didnt run.
Last night he and I got together on discord and I shared my scren with him and we went through the installation. Turns out, My Game Pass installation was using directories that didnt even exist in his store bought version of the premium deluxe version.This told us that there are three separate versions of the game being installed. The Game Pass version can only be upgraded and the Premium Deluxe version upgrade for Game Pass is 89.00 dollars and contains a reduced number of aircraft and scenery's. It installs primarily in app data and a folder called wpsystem. The community folder is in app data. Store bought [rmium deluxe I believe installs where you tell it too.. and doesnt use one of the folders that the game pass version uses ( as we discovered last night. ). That was tellng as my game pass version placed a copy of the plane in a place that didnt exist for my friend. However, Fully converted liveries and aircraft do work, as I discovered by both aircraft and liveries I downloaded from FSAddon. It's only non-converted models that dont work.
Now; I want my babies in game. I want the P-61Bs and the P-61C's and the RF-61 and the Goose and the Optica, and several others I spent years with developing their flight models. I dont really care for a 787 and well, I'm sorry, I dont like Airbus. So I was faced with one of two choices. I could trash the entire Premium Deluxe Upgrade version of FS2020 and go back to X-Plane, never to see my babies again, Or I could trash the Premium Deluxe Upgrade version and buy the full Premium Deluxe version from Microsoft Store.
I miss my babies.
I bought the full Version, even though it will put me into some hardship for the next couple of months.. It should be finished installing by tonight, and then we'll try again..
P.S. So that rumors dont get started: No, Robert has not given me permission to release and distribute an MS2020 version of Our P-61 and I respect that. Should he ever give me permission then I will, since we made a promise to the good people of SOH back in 2010 to do so.
P.P.S. @DC, Your pics make me homesick :

:: Maybe by tomorrow.. If not, I may be hitting you up for the port.