MiG-15 Fagot

That's why i keep CFS3 stock when it comes to shaders. Thanks to all involved in this project. Glad to see CFS3 Korea still has interest . A simply beautiful aircraft and very well detailed. Thanks a million !! Regards,Scott
This aircraft was shot down on 1st November 1956 in aerial combat with Israel and fell into Lake Bardawil. Later it was lifted up by Israeli and exhibited at their air force flying school.


I'm thinking about doing a skin for the Meteor F8 from Reg's Hanger as an IAF adversary for this one. Any interest in 1956? Who knows maybe someday we could have the French Ouragan and Mystere jets as well.
as to the AnKor shader patched airplane models people just can get very different MiG-15 metalic skin visual results. just like the B-29 case. its because there exists zillion of CFS3 gxf tweaks (xml config edits). this cant hurt too much relating to specular masked skins, but it may have a huge effect on the reflex masked skins...
... in another words we cant garantee the MiG-15bis add-on will look at your pc as you awaiting, even patched.

I can see (again), the AnKor shaders are a step forwards relating to the CFS3 visual enjoyment, but might be a nightmare for CFS add-on developers. also, once all is fixed, a new shader release may kill this all.
I try to fix inconsistencies when possible, but indeed there are so many tweaks possible for cfs3 settings and models that it is just impossible for me to account for everything.
It would have worked better if I could bypass stock cfs3 shading altogether, but my shaders work by "reinterpreting" what cfs3 tries to draws. Detecting reflective models is quite complex, because there a few variants of how such model might be implemented in cfs3. The most common is drawing the same object twice: first, cfs3 renders the model without reflections using only _t texture, then it draws the same model but only with _r texture and blends them together. This is very primitive approach even for 2002.
And even after the model is detected I have to adjust material settings heavily because my shaders are (kind of) "physically based" and stock material settings for reflective objects often won't match the expected glossy look because they didn't matter in stock renderer.
yes... not sure if it may help, I was just thinking a first step to keep things working with / without your shaders bit more successfull would be to set some "proper" gmax material settings for the newly exported / rexported M3D files. here is a small thread related.
I'm thinking about doing a skin for the Meteor F8 from Reg's Hanger as an IAF adversary for this one. Any interest in 1956? Who knows maybe someday we could have the French Ouragan and Mystere jets as well.

This is the F8 from Reg's Hanger done up in 1956 IAF High Speed Silver. I'm not sure who I need to contact to get permission to upload it as a standalone.



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Making progress. Not too bad within the limitations of the mapping . . .

I like it! It looks better than the FP one.
I haven't followed the creation of this model very close but I assume it is meant as an AI target for the MiG 15, just as the Me 163 package includes a B-17?
Will it also include animated landing gear etc? I was thinking about B-29s populating some island airfields in RS...
nah, the current MiG-15bis add-on doesnt include any other additional aircraft, please check the thread deeper :)

as to the release, if anybody knows, how to make firing gun groups separately, just like the stock Fw 190A-8 cannons vs guns, let know. I would like to solve this for the public release.
nah, the current MiG-15bis add-on doesnt include any other additional aircraft, please check the thread deeper :)

as to the release, if anybody knows, how to make firing gun groups separately, just like the stock Fw 190A-8 cannons vs guns, let know. I would like to solve this for the public release.

I didn't mean it as such (AC included in MiG-15 package) but as a comparison to the AI low-poly B-17 that comes with the Me 163, as opposed to a full, pilotable and detailed aircraft :adoration:.

About the gun groups, I am not at my PC right now but check out the latest Spit (MkVIII?). It has cannons and MGs. IIRC the weapon type etc. is set in the .xdp file, not in the model. The keys that the player assigns in CFS3 then determine whether the different types of guns are fired by type only or simultanously.
As long as you have not changed your keyboard mapping it is:

Shift+Spacebar = Fire 23 mm
Ctrl + Spacebar = Fire 37 mm
Spacebar = Fire Both
The new shaders optimized B-29 skin pack (for our freeware B-29) I'm planning for the near future will include four skins (and the updated model file from MajorMagee):

1. Updated baseline WW2 version, 'Hellon Wings'.

2. Updated night WW2 version, 'Lovely Leta'. The black undersides are now glossy as they should be but it still suffers from the bottoms of the wings just mirroring the tops, so they're not black.

3. With all the German jets available now, I thought we needed an ETO skin, so I've developed a fictitious one based on the B-17 I've actually flown in, 'Yankee Lady'. Imagining the 534th Bomb Squadron turning in its B-17s for B-29s in an extended war, I've created 'Yankee Lady 2'.

4. A Korean war version. I completed this (pictured above) first but then I realized I picked an RB-29 scheme (recon), which is inappropriate for bombing missions, so I'm working on a better choice.
as to the release, if anybody knows, how to make firing gun groups separately, just like the stock Fw 190A-8 cannons vs guns, let know. I would like to solve this for the public release.

small news: it seems I managed to get the problem solved. it was my fault ;)
MajorMagee did the working MiG-15bis N-37 / NR-23 cannons working infact, I just putted some of the needed files wrong path...
MiG-15bis Fagot RELEASED at simhangar.nolimit.cz

A complete package with all effects, sounds, weapons and all other dependent files. Contents 6x North Korea skin.
Includes also AnkorShader compatible installation.

SOH Library download coming soon ;)


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missing the following items: mig15_s001_t.dds, mig15_s001_r.dds and fx_tracer_23mm_green effects string.
Hi All, (edit: Gosd beat me to it, slow typer)

thank you to everyone involved in the set. I have downloaded but not installed yet (At work:) ).

Quick question: Is there supposed to be a effects.xml entry with the set instructions? I did a quick check of the new 37mm and 23mm weapons, they are calling for the effect "fx_tracer_23mm_green" I don't have this in my current game effects file. and does this effect use stock textures or is there a new texture to go with the new effect?

thanks again for a great set.

regards Rob.
hi guys,
the mentioned dds textures belongs to the CFS3_MiG_15bis_Standard_package, are included in the CFS3_MiG_15bis_ver10.zip downloadable pack (checked now again) and should be found / placed here:


it is a fuselage texture of the "MiG-15bis NK925" airplane slot, the metalic skin and its reflex mask.

note: the "MiG-15bis NK925*" airplane slot from CFS3_MiG_15bis_AnkorShader_package use different skin and mask texture files.


yes, the fx_tracer_23mm_green effect is mentioned at the gun related xdp file, but such related enhancement sources didnt came with the gun stuff made by Andy. so its not any life important feature I would say. the guns works without this aswell, therefore no special effect.xml edit is needed ;)
