MiG-15 Fagot


Does it change with viewing distance (LOD)?

The fuel tanks can be on the inner, or outer pylons. Does it happen in both positions?
three notes:

1) using MiG-15bis addon STD version when the shaders off gives NOT the same visual result as the MiG-15bis addon AK version when the shaders off. its because all the STD vs AK skins and masks are different paint infact... just to let know ;)

2) as we know, when same named texture file exist at the CFS3 file structure twice (or more), only one will be loaded into game. if they differs, you may got strange visual results.

3) the current, actual MiG-15bis addon version 1.02 does NOT use s001 textures anymore for loadout items :)

its funny to get working things for AnkorShaders properly as the add-on creator supposed, right? god bless people who still use the CFS3 game AnkorShader unkissed or set to off at least.
Okay I was able to reproduce it, and it does seem to be tied to the LOD being in close, and it only happens to the set with 2 tanks and 4 rockets.

Rearranging the pylon sequence seems to resolve it on my system.

<Loadout Name="Clean"/>
<Loadout Name="(2)FuelTank">
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_fuel_tank" PayloadType="mig15bis_fuel_tank" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_fuel_tank" PayloadType="mig15bis_fuel_tank" Quantity="1"/>
<Loadout Name="(2)FuelTank+(2)Rockets">
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_fuel_tank" PayloadType="mig15bis_fuel_tank" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_fuel_tank" PayloadType="mig15bis_fuel_tank" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="3" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_rocket_pod" PayloadType="mig15bis_rocket_s21" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="4" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_rocket_pod" PayloadType="mig15bis_rocket_s21" Quantity="1"/>
<Loadout Name="(2)FuelTank+(4)Rockets">
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_fuel_tank" PayloadType="mig15bis_fuel_tank" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_fuel_tank" PayloadType="mig15bis_fuel_tank" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="3" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_rocket_pod" PayloadType="mig15bis_rocket_lr130" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="4" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_rocket_pod" PayloadType="mig15bis_rocket_lr130" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="5" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_rocket_pod" PayloadType="mig15bis_rocket_lr130" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="6" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_rocket_pod" PayloadType="mig15bis_rocket_lr130" Quantity="1"/>
<Loadout Name="(2)FuelTank+(40)Rockets">
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_fuel_tank" PayloadType="mig15bis_fuel_tank" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_fuel_tank" PayloadType="mig15bis_fuel_tank" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="3" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_rocket_box" PayloadType="mig15bis_rocket_sr55" Quantity="1023"/>
<Hardpoint ID="4" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_rocket_box" PayloadType="mig15bis_rocket_sr55" Quantity="1023"/>
<Hardpoint ID="5" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_rocket_box" PayloadType="mig15bis_rocket_sr55" Quantity="1023"/>
<Hardpoint ID="6" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_rocket_box" PayloadType="mig15bis_rocket_sr55" Quantity="1023"/>
<Loadout Name="(2)Bombs">
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_standard" PayloadType="mig15bis_bomb_fab100" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_standard" PayloadType="mig15bis_bomb_fab100" Quantity="1"/>
<Loadout Name="(6)Bombs">
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_standard" PayloadType="mig15bis_bomb_fab100" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_standard" PayloadType="mig15bis_bomb_fab100" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="3" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_standard" PayloadType="mig15bis_bomb_fab100" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="4" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_standard" PayloadType="mig15bis_bomb_fab100" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="5" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_standard" PayloadType="mig15bis_bomb_fab100" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="6" PylonType="pylon_mig15bis_standard" PayloadType="mig15bis_bomb_fab100" Quantity="1"/>
glad it is solved :)

the pylon sequence rearranging will be implented into the 1.03 release pack.

Changes since v.1.0
v.1.01 - updated gun effects
v.1.02 - updated loadout items
v.1.03 - updated loadout pylon sequence
enduser skin templates in work (finally)... 1/2 done already.


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ok, the skin templates are out!

MiG-15bis skin templates v.10 DL link available at simhangar site (check the PaintKit item there).

Note for skin painters:

I have some Russian (Soviet skins) in work. such skins are reserved for CFS3 MiG-15bis Standard package:

Nr.40 color: braun/green cammo
Nr.317 color: sand/blue
Nr.384 color: metalic/red nose/red flash tail
Nr.841 color: metalic/red nose/red rudder

Hows the CFS3 MiG-15bis STD package airplane slot / skin logic actually?

The currently released CFS3 North Korean skined models are 001, 002 ... up to 006 airplane slot. the next ones are free for use (sofar). the airplane menu name is "MiG-15bis NK(nose number)". eg. "MiG-15bis NK132" is a metalic Nr.132 Fagot bird.

The CFS3 upcoming Russian skined models will be 101, 102, 103 and 104 airplane slot. the next ones are free for use (sofar). the airplane menu name will be "MiG-15bis RU(nose number)".

Another nation related skins would be 201, 202 etc. lets say for China. the 301, 302 etc. would be for Vietnam and so on...

The upcoming skined models made by me will come AnkorShader unpatched, might be fixed later by someone, like Andy did for the initial release.

Hows the CFS3 MiG-15bis AK package airplane slot / skin logic?

Its up to you, still supposing it might be as Andy started to take it ;)

Finally, all new skins (skin packs) should be fully standalone installations, independent on any initial MiG-15bis add-on sources ;)
In another words, if new skins will come, no need to have installed the original MiG-15bis add-on package to run it ingame.
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thank you ;) looks very interesting such pack, still I personally didnt tried it yet :)

just a small note to the MiG-15bis part of the IAF-EAF_1956_For_MAW.zip content: originaly I thought the Fagot add-on, the initial pack which is available at the simhangar site, will be after all the public testing (which seems is over now, builded into the v1.03) just uploaded into SOH library as our first MiG-15bis related add-on and then may come all its deriavates into SOH library :)
I know this got published a bit out of order, but since it was put together just for MAW I didn't think it would be a problem to upload it when it was ready. The naming was done in a way that should not lead to any conflicts with the file sets you've already released on your site.
yes, its ok... :) ah, that reminds me I have to finish the Russian (Soviet) MiG-15bis skin pack, to be able to put something decent into the current SOH library aswell ;)

hmm, a quest for skin makers: how about some ww2 german "what-if" MiG-15bis skin, guys? you know, the Fagot is similar to Ta-183 Huckebein and many other Luft46 airplanes ;)
noticed this too with latest shader pack. this would cause such thing if the fuselage part were be mapped different material properities, but as far as I know the body is made properly. I saw such issue with some cubemaps, but it was in another game.

I could try to weld the fuselage vertices, maybe it was sliced by past.
That's an issue in the m3d file. The body is mapped on two different lines within the m3d, and each one was coded a bit differently as to the reflectivity/specular texture references. It's one of the things I addressed in the AK version.
yes, that makes a sence ;) but what I am not getting is the fact the whole gmax model is mapped with a few materials, yet the two parts of fuselage are SAME material which my poor brain just takes like a same properities and texture.

ok, I did a few tests focused on the other apsects, like a different mesh smooth value or vertex welding. it didnt helped.
so ok, Ive loaded the original latest gmax project then again and did just one thing - Ive attached the two mesh fuselage parts together, nothing more... and voila, it fixed that!

still it doesnt make a bigger sence to me, yet there is a few another parts like the tail-rudder, spoilers and more, which still appears wrong!

well, in a next post I would dare to offer a quick alternative MiG-15bis add-on AnkorShader solution. stay on....
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what I did, just for a quick test, is I took the MiG STD package textures and masks and applied it on the AK version M3D model. in another words, Ive just renamed the STD texture files to match with the AK file names.
it gives a decent alu bare metal effect at my CFS config3. I have to say I am fine with such simple solution.

attaching the "modded" AK model with shaders off and shaders on.


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here's the result using your quick method mate, using STD texture and rename them into AK (the looks might be slightly different from yours, im still using 2015 Ankor shader not the newest and reshade stuff)..it's much better now from what i think



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thank you wiekniera for testing. your MiG screenshots looks bit more like a polished metal instead of the alu specular metal skin, but definitely acceptable ;)

I would kill for one and only existing, user untweakable shader, to avoid of all the pain around... :)