ok, the skin templates are out!
MiG-15bis skin templates v.10 DL link available at simhangar site (check the PaintKit item there).
Note for skin painters:
I have some Russian (Soviet skins) in work. such skins are reserved for CFS3 MiG-15bis Standard package:
Nr.40 color: braun/green cammo
Nr.317 color: sand/blue
Nr.384 color: metalic/red nose/red flash tail
Nr.841 color: metalic/red nose/red rudder
Hows the CFS3 MiG-15bis STD package airplane slot / skin logic actually?
The currently released CFS3 North Korean skined models are 001, 002 ... up to 006 airplane slot. the next ones are free for use (sofar). the airplane menu name is "MiG-15bis NK(nose number)". eg. "MiG-15bis NK132" is a metalic Nr.132 Fagot bird.
The CFS3 upcoming Russian skined models will be 101, 102, 103 and 104 airplane slot. the next ones are free for use (sofar). the airplane menu name will be "MiG-15bis RU(nose number)".
Another nation related skins would be 201, 202 etc. lets say for China. the 301, 302 etc. would be for Vietnam and so on...
The upcoming skined models made by me will come AnkorShader unpatched, might be fixed later by someone, like Andy did for the initial release.
Hows the CFS3 MiG-15bis AK package airplane slot / skin logic?
Its up to you, still supposing it might be as Andy started to take it
Finally, all new skins (skin packs) should be fully standalone installations, independent on any initial MiG-15bis add-on sources

In another words, if new skins will come, no need to have installed the original MiG-15bis add-on package to run it ingame.