Milton's Howard 500 a fresh look!

That TFF Cargo scheme on the Howard 500 is elegant in it's simplicity. My hat is off to those who can pull of convincing bare metal textures. I've tried and failed miserably at bare metal, so the few repaints I've done have primarily been painted surfaces.
From what I can tell about repainters, they have a passion for certain aircraft they like to paint.

Worse. I only paint airline liveries from the 80s and 90s...

Then again, my whole FS9 installation is retro'ed to a mid/late 1980s scenario, so painting modern liveres would be a waste of time.

It's been awhile... been busy. Basically this is the pattern adjusted to fit the model. Since there is no bare metal of this aircraft, had to use what I could see in the pics. Still a few areas I need to revise, and getting ready to lay the rivets to replace the pattern.




Update on the wings... rivets! Add some details here and there, fading... then on to the underside.



Really nice work TuFun!:salute: Not usually a fan of Orange, but you make it look very nice!
These just keep getting better and better! I can sort of do bare metal, but nothing like this.

(for some reason, I really like that old A-26)
The bare metal paint sadly really brings out some wonky shading around the windows. (Or is that feature shared with the real deal?) :blind:
The bare metal paint sadly really brings out some wonky shading around the windows. (Or is that feature shared with the real deal?) :blind:

LOL No, not the real deal. I built that fuselage back in 2004 when my gmax skills were still limited, almost as limited as the computer I was trying to build it on. Let's remember this is an 8 year-old model. :)
LOL No, not the real deal. I built that fuselage back in 2004 when my gmax skills were still limited, almost as limited as the computer I was trying to build it on. Let's remember this is an 8 year-old model. :)

hope i still look that good in 8 years time :icon_lol:

great job back then Milton, she's stood the test of time well :salute:
OK, this thread is getting more and more "high drool factor!" On my wish list is now a copy of TuFun's "house" cargo paint (even if it is orange it looks great) and a hi res update of the original "default" paint scheme in Milton's screenies above of the real deal and that shipped with its original release 8 (really, 8?!) years ago!
I still fly her, alot. Albeit a bit dated, I always enjoy gazing on her in flight... in the spot view, just after the sun has gone down. She's still a fine old gal in my opinion, even after 8 years on.

Tufun has really transformed the Howard into a nicely clean, polished aeroplane with uncanny detail. His work really brings out the exqisite lines, characteristic of the design. A fitting tribute to Milton's gorgeous classic, and the real Howard 500. :medals:

LOL No, not the real deal. I built that fuselage back in 2004 when my gmax skills were still limited, almost as limited as the computer I was trying to build it on. Let's remember this is an 8 year-old model. :)

No worries, the rest looks very fancy to the day. :)

I could try to improve the window area if you don't have the time.
Thanks guys for the kind comments! Trying my best (limited), to improve the visuals of a fine aircraft no matter if its been an eight years old design. Still impressive today! I've been toying with this pattern, but not the effect I wanted. Still looks kinda cool! Will look at this after I'm finished the repainting.



For those who want a used dinged upped cargo version for those Canadian runs, which I do... here is the model for the job. The cowl area and tail will be next for the treatment. Plus I will add a little more nasty under the aircraft! ;)








What is the date of the model .mdl file you are using? I want to correct a couple issues I see.

What is the date of the model .mdl file you are using? I want to correct a couple issues I see.

hw500vc4 package


hw500c.mdl 7/18/2004 2,427 kb

A few barbs (cargo webbing) and the wheels poking thru the nacelle are a few I see.

Very much appreciate any improvements you can provide!
hw500vc4 package


hw500c.mdl 7/18/2004 2,427 kb

A few barbs (cargo webbing) and the wheels poking thru the nacelle are a few I see.

Very much appreciate any improvements you can provide!

I have actually restructured the model already and corrected the vertical tail shading.

I had also noticed the tires protruding, easy fix.

The webbing is simply an alpha thing and if you cannot fix that, I will remove that webbing.

I will send you the new model to test.

EDIT: Attached is a replacement Cargo model to test.
TuFun, et al,

Attached is a second update correcting box and net protrusions and a few other minor fixes.

I should also note that this update requires the performance improvements update from my website be applied first.
That update improved FPS, gauge smoothness, panel and texture updates for the VC and other things for both the passenger and cargo models.

You can download that here:

Once those updates are carefully applied, then replace the model with the attached.

Everyone should do those updates and then may also apply the attached model update for further improvements.

This is all native stuff from me. If you have applied panel textures updates from others for the original older model, then you must have the correct model for that and this update may supercede their work.

How do you determine if you have the update in place? The cargo and passenger models from the update (hw500xx.mdl) are dated 10/24/2006. The panel.cfg has 3 vcockpit sections instead of 8.