Mustangs are go!

Anything John makes looks stunning! :applause:Glad the repaint policy has changed. :jump:Although it's still pricy for me I'm tempted. :d


I'm going to try and fight the temptation to buy it now and wait for the FSX version instead. Looks amazing though, great screenshots from everyone.
I can't seem to figure this out...does the tail wheel caster at all? Is it possible to have a bit easier steering for us without footpedals?
I can't seem to figure this out...does the tail wheel caster at all? Is it possible to have a bit easier steering for us without footpedals?

Push the stick forward to unlock the tailwheel while taxi. However, it's set in the aircraft.cfg to have tailwheel steering; which made it difficult for me even with rudder pedals. I changed this number:

static_pitch= 14.35
static_cg_height= 6.05
tailwheel_lock = 1
gear_system_type = 1
max_number_of_points = 16

point.0 = 1, -12.23, 0, -3.41, 3000, 0, 0.55, 180, 0.35, 2.5, 0.8, 1, 4, 0, 180, 180

to 180 from 120. 180 gives full castoring. Don't know if it's realistic but makes it more controllable and easier to handle in x-wind conditions.

You may get the aircraft.cfg corruption when you save the change. Had to go thru and space it all back to correct; then any future change sticks! :isadizzy:
John, be sure to put the stick fully forward first, for castoring steering, otherwise the tail wheel will not turn. The tail wheel will castor completely, as long as you are going slow enough, with differential braking, and bursts of power. The plane won't steer very much unless you use differential braking. With the stick neutral or aft, the tail wheel will not castor, but with shots of power, the aircraft will steer, up to 6-8 degrees, with normal rudder pressure. I tend to keep the stick forward before entering turns and through a turn, and then bring the stick aft when taxiing down a long straight away.

Edit: JKCook, I am surprised that it was not at 180 already, as that is what I have had all along. I will note this down, and I hope to have this change added to the pitot heat fix, which will be sent out to all purchasers this week.
...snip...Edit: JKCook, I am surprised that it was not at 180 already, as that is what I have had all along. I will note this down, and I hope to have this fix added to the pitot heat fix, which will be sent out to all purchasers this week.

rgr that Bomber. A bug or two always slips thru no matter how hard you look!
jkcook --

Thanks for the catch on the tailwheel. Seems to handle much better.


As for the corruption of the aircraft.cfg, I encountered the same issue with Notepad. Not sure why this happens, but I did spend a considerable amount of time yesterday morning doing the same as you.

In the long run I decided to use another editor which doesn't corrupt the file.

Okay: Here goes, I'm positive that the "eye candy" factor will be fully realized with any thing John has his hand in. However My enjoyment of sim flight is based around the Immersion factor, I.E. how accurately is the flight modelling, and especially how many controls, knobs, switches, buttons etc. are enabled and actually have an effect on the flight characteristics and wear and tear on the airframe and engine. Don't get me wrong I love the eye-candy as well, and John does that as well as anyone ever will. (salute to John) My concern is, does this product offer more or only near the same as say Sky unlimiteds versions, or A2A's P51D or warwick's. All excellent. I know there are restrictions imposed by the way the Sim is designed. Microsoft can only put so much in before you need a series of Kray super computers just to taxi. Anyway just wondering if anyone could give their impressions of the control and immersion factor. I have already read the torque is modelled pretty good, I fully expect this is a "state of the art" product. I guess I just need a little more prodding.
After all that, I've been watching this developement all year and my hat off to all you folks that can produce these types of products. AWESOME.

Ol' Jarhead
For me this is as immersive as it gets. To fly two versions of the P-51 and start to appreciate subtle differences in the flight dynamics that are consistent with WWII pilots' reports; it don't get better than that!!:applause:

Hi all,

anyone can be so kind to tell me if there's a repaint kit for the P51?

jkcook --

Thanks for the catch on the tailwheel. Seems to handle much better.


As for the corruption of the aircraft.cfg, I encountered the same issue with Notepad. Not sure why this happens, but I did spend a considerable amount of time yesterday morning doing the same as you.

In the long run I decided to use another editor which doesn't corrupt the file.


Did you rt click the cfg and take readme only attributes off?
"Hi all,
anyone can be so kind to tell me if there's a repaint kit for the P51?
thanks" .............sigmatau.


Our initial plans to release our own texture sets seems to have very much gone against the grain!
While this may well happen at some stage...

We will be releasing a Paint Kit!

What we would like to do is allow the paints to uploaded to this site,, Warbirdsim and a few others.

For those who can use the factory example, then that is a great place to start.

We were worried about piracy, and the passing around of this product.
Please help us make sure this does not happen.

More details this week.


sigmatau, it usually helps to answer this sort of question if you take the time to read the entire thread.

Anyone fly high enough to get the high-blower setting to kick in? During a long range test flight, I've been bouncing around 14k and cant get any higher... the red blower light hasnt illuminated, so I'm guessing the motor isnt switching into high... or maybe I just dont have the switches set right. Perhaps its just a performance limit for high weight and temperature.
Oh boy am I retarded hehe. I had the mixture on Autolean - you have to manually lean out the mixture during climb - problem solved :)
FSX port over issue

I have a issue maybe someone can shed some light on please,

I port the mustang over fine in fsx but, when I add the line "ui_createdby=Warbirdsim" to all the variants in the aircraft.cfg the plane goes haywire in the game?

Its weird, the plane seems to not have any contact points or something? after adding this line,

I haven't changed anything else at all, just add that one line and can't use the plane at all, I can see it in game if i pause or slew but soon as un-slew or un-pause the plane starts going all over the place and half the plane is under ground even when slewing at 0 altitude?

Now if I just use the aircraft.cfg with out adding that ui line then all is fine, lol :mixedsmi:

Anyone ever experienced this before?

thanks for any help,