From your tutorials I knew about selection sets but right now gmax can't even display a simple textured object at full resolution without crashing, lol.

. I have to go to CFS3 to see the result of my work.
I wonder if the material set-up also influences the memory load; Currently I have created two big multi-materials (ca. 22 different material settings) for all external objects (excl. VC), instead of multiple smaller multi-materials. At the time this felt more 'efficient' than a long list of various material combinations but I think this also taxes the system. Not being
that PC-savy, it feels like the debate whether loading a multitude of small textures is better for your FPS than a single, large texture. In the end I would expect both methods to give the same amount of Mb loaded, or am I wrong?
Whatever the outcome of such a debate, the multimaterials use the same two 4096 textures but with different material settings, of course. I am using multimaterials to get as 'PBR' as possible Yes, I know CFS3 isn't PBR compatible but I seem to get decent results playing with values derived from that way of designing.
Anyway, you can do much more with the material settings in gmax than I have done with my models so far. We tinker a lot with _r and _s textures etc. but using appropriate settings in gmax also contribute to a convincing model!