The original intention was for r to map out the specular reflection patterns, and the s to determine the shadowing to simulate ambient occlusion. The naming convention is actually only relevant to help identify which is used for what. ...
Thanks, that clarifies their function a bit - but for me it still doesn't answer why I should choose one over the other. After looking up what ambient occlusion actually does, it seems to me that both files are useful. Unfortunately CFS3 doesn't allow for both files to be used simultaneously...
BTW, the intake duct to the turbo on the P-47 model doesn't darken much when looking along it's length. Would a *_s. map help there?
... The issue with using any sort of texture map to define the lighting qualities of a 3D object that moves through space like an airplane (versus trucks, buildings, trees, etc.) is that they are static, when the lighting is not. Paint in a dark to bright gradient along the top of a curved surface to emphasize the sun falling on it from above using an s file, and it will look wrong when the aircraft banks. Give the surface material a uniform brightness with AnKors shaders and they will automatically adjust the brightness gradient on the surface based on the relative direction of the sun. ...
This sounds to me an awful lot like how PBR texture maps are set up and what I was referring to in my earlier post; no 'painted on' shadows or highlights/gradients to simulate or emphazise shapes but let the shaders do their work. The difficulty and challenge for me lies in finding correct colours and material values for both the maps and gmax. That's why I have been looking at PBR a lot while doing this - hoping to find/create a translation to the CFS3 world.
... AnKor's shaders also allow us to use normal maps to assist with the dynamic lighting in game. The intention here is to create the illusion of bumps using height difference information that changes the local direction vector of the light bouncing off an otherwise flat polygon surface. Again this is predetermined in a static texture map, so it may give erroneous results as the aircraft moves and turns in space, but if we're dealing with small features like panel lines and rivets the illusion works well enough most of the time.
Noted - so far parts seems mostly quite flat when lighting is coming from the 'opposite' or 'wrong' direction.
A second question that might be related to this came up: I have parts that should be shadowed by other parts but are lighted as if they receive direct light. What is causing this? I am not sure it is the modeling or not: I have placed 3D bolts in the cockpit (as separate objects placed against the canopy frame object) that should be in the shadow cast by the canopy frame and I have modeled ribs in the wheel wells as one single object (so no separate objects but part of the bay) that both shows this phenomenon...