Looks great. P3Dv5 on Win10? I've never been able to use it beyond FSX. Please share the secret.Skysim Mirage
Looks great. P3Dv5 on Win10? I've never been able to use it beyond FSX. Please share the secret.
Thanks. I can't even get the 32-bit installer to run to unpack it.P3Dv4 and Win 10
Thanks. I can't even get the 32-bit installer to run to unpack it.
Very disappointing, it was a great project to work with Mark on.
Your repaints look nice. Are some of them new?
Nice shots there of REX 2.6 in V5.2 musterpilot. Compared to the one I did of the Connie at Tamworth with 2.6 in 5.2 - hmmmm! Have to look at what is going on now!