P3D_V5 Screenshots P3D V 5

"Weather reconnaissance over AU"


JBK Sunderland (Hythe Conversion), Madeira Island, area P3DWX.


On the water at Funchal harbour - Henriks 'Funchal' was at anchor there!
Tropical Sims Madiera and Henriks Global Ship AI. The Sunderland for V5.2 will be uploaded to the SOH very soon!
Thanks. I can't even get the 32-bit installer to run to unpack it.
Very disappointing, it was a great project to work with Mark on.

Your repaints look nice. Are some of them new?


I like Restauravia Mirages
But they are C / B
Easy to paint (P3D) compatible
However, I don’t like fiction (what if) paintings
I also like the other versions of (E/R/O/S)
Skysim provides this
Yes, I dusted off this package and fell in love again
I made a couple of new paintings, updated old ones..
I cheated because I swapped the sound packet for the M2M Mirage 2000 sound packet, what can I say that pretty much upsets the model



Nice shots there of REX 2.6 in V5.2 musterpilot. Compared to the one I did of the Connie at Tamworth with 2.6 in 5.2 - hmmmm! Have to look at what is going on now!
Where and how can one download this one?

I tried the FS Developer.com. but cannot find the download place.

BTW... I am originally from Uruguay... so I especially enjoy your paint job... excellent!