P3D_V5 Screenshots P3D V 5

Very nice aircraft, and a gratis one at that. :applause:


AH Dove Emerald Solomon Islands Scenery - P3DV5.3 +AS
Still a classic and in my humble opinion one of the best aircraft produced by AH. Worked nicely in FSX - works perfectly in P3DV5.3
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Avp 34 okinawa


Well there was a lot of creative stuff done in FSX and a lot of it goes into P3DV5 and works. This is Earl Watkins AVP34 scenery (AVP3401.zip) with the tenders and a whole bunch of stuff in the Okinawa region and other places works nicely in P3DV5. The Aerosoft Catalina is also good in P3DV5 as well. It is just EA in P3D making the Martins look black they are good too as AI.
Ex-Alphasim/Virtavia freeware. I did a conversion to P3D native. Currently, I am using the Aerosoft Bell UH 1D cockpit which is matching very nice.
It's my fist conversion, so I will do more experiments with the Alphasim/Virtavia original panel too. If there is some interest, I can do a release, because I got Virtavias permission for a freeware release last week...

AH-9 is done as well...

Next on my list will be the Simshed Westland Wessex which is been missing for too long since FS9 in my opinion...
Ex-Alphasim/Virtavia freeware. I did a conversion to P3D native. Currently, I am using the Aerosoft Bell UH 1D cockpit which is matching very nice.
It's my fist conversion, so I will do more experiments with the Alphasim/Virtavia original panel too. If there is some interest, I can do a release, because I got Virtavias permission for a freeware release last week...

AH-9 is done as well...

Next on my list will be the Simshed Westland Wessex which is been missing for too long since FS9 in my opinion...


I loved the AS/V Lynx, especially the Royal Navy HAS version. Can’t wait to see these when they’re available.

Thanks for your work on the P3D platform.
Chimbu Warrior

Mt Hagen in PNG to Port Moresby. A real struggle to get to 10000 ft in a c337 cant imagine how poor the performance was in a 336 (fixed gear 337 with lower horsepower). Got to hand it to those guys. LSALT about F180 down in the weeds in a little piston all the way.



Carebado C337 unpublished Ansett Paint - yep Ansett ran these around PNG for a few years!
59-2458, the Bendix Trophy winner, over Cornwall on the way home.

Hustler 1.jpg

Glowingheat B-58 with PBR. The colour is too blue and a bit dark though the albedo is set as aluminium afaik. Work needed on the ambient occlusions (too dark in places).

As far as I can tell it all works OK, but I mainly paint and do TOGA's so there could be functions that fail. It has been updated since Alphasim days though.


speaking of that team, the Marlin works pretty good in v5 im working on PBR of that model as well, pity many of their models VC scale is out of wack in VR
