These Repaints are looking good
Your 'side arms' are looking good as well

These Repaints are looking good
...Currently, I'm working on the Luftwaffe Camo (candidates are the 'BB-254', the 'JA-111' with emblems on both sides and the target-tug D-9538, operated by Condor from Westerland/Sylt).
I'm hoping one of our painters here might be interested in this scheme.
If Jan will give me permission.
Model and texture files will not be included of course (just copy over from your install and covert to DXT3 for better frame rates, not GREAT frame rates, just better)![]()
I suppose it has a lot to do with what airport and scenery your using.
I was at the default Sion (Just reinstalled on a new Pc)and I was hittig 50+FPS and thats what I call a great frame rate. The Livery is Transloads Aerobatics Gold by Garry J Smith. Respect to Garry. But at Heathrow (an add on) I'm only hitting about 20FPS Big Thanks to the devolopers.
I've never quite understood the obsession with high FPS when 25-30 is more than adequate.
How do Tom.Don't worry Barry - this board does some strange things at times...:isadizzy: