SECTIONF8 Sabre released !

Hey... Thunderbolt... I've been wondering about those shark drop-tanks you posted awhile back in this thread... what repaint are those on?

I make my own Paint for Multiplayer sessions ;)

Have d/l this sweetheart and send many thanks to those who worked so long on it...A real beaut... I have it in FS9 and all is lovely.....Have tried the patch avail to get it into FSX and all is great ...except the cockpit frame and panel outline is Black...Instruments are there and working , flies great but as noted.....canopy isn't too visible but that could be by design?
Have you tried the FSX update from Avsim. It should fix the canopy issue (and a bit more).
Here is some interesting informations for our friend
"Wild Bill Kelso" alias JA-111.

9 x specific projects for future Canadair F-86 of the

1 x superb german book with a lot of details about them
and two links for anyone interested to order it :

I love Federal Germany Luftwaffe military airplanes.
Ich liebe Bundesluftwaffe-Militär-Flugzeuge von Deutschland.

Hi, VaporZ!

Thanks for the links. In fact, the "F-40" book about our beloved girl is a tremendous source of repaint models and detailed pictures. Guess where I've got my ideas from...? :icon_lol:

Nice profiles too. The camoed JA-111 and a ship from the second group of JG 71 (with yellow markings) are still on my 'to-do-pile'!

Just finished my upload at AVSIM for the target tug 'D-9538', must be available any minute. I still have my eye on the RCAF 707 from 434 Bluenose Sqadron. Picking up markings and fonts was successful, so she will be rolled over to the paint hangar soon. But maybe not this year...

Hey Wild Bill ( and other Sabre Lovers )

take a look at this website of Rudnei Dias Da Cunha : and Furies/index.html

Wow ! To much colors !!! :isadizzy:

Concerning RCAF CL-13 Sabres repaint projects there is some details not to be missed :

1. The red maple leaf on the roundel must be the one before
the adoption of the current Flag ie the one at the left of
the following picture

2. The Union Jack ( British ) Flag section of the Red Ensign
(Before 1967 ) Canadian Flag is always positionned on the leading edge side ( and the Crest on the trailing edge side ) of the fin for both Left
and right side of the airplane.

3. The underside color of the Camo RCAF CL-13 Sabres is a quite unique Blue Grey presented as an example on the profile below.

Sincerly yours,

How reliable are the colors of this profile?
Just asking because comparing some published Luftwaffe profiles reveals significant differences to the true RGB values of the used RAL standard colors.

I don't know where I get the information that the RCAF european camo was 'PRU blue' down below. Does it differ from the 'unique Blue Grey' mentioned?

A very useful RGB color synopsis can be found here:

Are the RCAF colors equivalent to the RAF scheme?

Hello Markus

I am a FlightSimmer for 6 years but a plastic modeller for.........40 years !

Now that I retired afetr 30 years on a Canadian Telecom Company, I have now a hobby that turned over the years to a professionnal activity ie Military Historian.

I am quite sure that this blue grey underside color is the correct one for a super clean "factory fresh" CL-13 Sabre.

It is the color used by the Canadian National Aviation Museum for their own real CL-13 Sabre and the color I have seen on numerous plastic modeller competiton "Winning CL-13" for both 1/48 and 1/32 Scale Categories.

For a more realistic color I would say that some weathering would be nessesary to this basic but correct color.

And yes, Its is the same 3 x color camo scheme than the Royal Air Force Sabres.

I will relay your question to a friend that is a Competition Judge for
IPMS Canada but I am quite sure I am right.

IPMS stands for International Plastic Modellers Society.

By the way take a look at "Hawk One" here. I will see her fly at Bagotville Base Air Show next June 12,13,14 2009.

@ VaporZ:

Merci beaucoup pour votre renseignement!
The Canadian National Aviation Museum's website is well worth a long-lasting browsing. Found the attached pic there - does anyone else but me feel the need to jump into a time machine...?
Please note that the first ship in the row is set to jump across the pond after delivery.

'Weathering' the finish is of course an issue. But I'm afraid my repainting skills will not allow to add an acceptable weathering. I'll still have to deliver my "Bluenose 707" in a "out-of-the-box" style...

@ klarm:

A big thank also to you! Following your link, I'm glad to see confirmation about "Dark Green, Dark Sea Grey and PRU Blue" in glossy finish.

Time to get the airbrush can filled... :jump:

Best regards,
Dear Fellows!

May I introduce to you:
RCAF 707 from 434 'Bluenose' Sq.

Some details still need to be fixed, but the main job is done.

A happy New Year to you all!

Best wishes,
It's looking pretty good from here! The SectionF8 Sabre is a fantastic aircraft and the cammo opens a whole new chapter. I can see them coming now...RCAF, RAF, PAF, Luftwaffe etc.
I have an seperate FS9/Silverwings install with Kirk Ollson's Sabres at Marville, Grostenquin, Zweibrucken and looks like I'll have to add more parking spaces now.
Thanks, Klarm!

Our beauty was just pushed over to AVSIM.

Differing from my former Luftwaffe camo repaints, this ship was done in the european RCAF camo scheme, using authentic RAF-colors ('Dark Sea Grey', 'Dark Green' and 'PRU Blue').
As many pictures and handpainted color profiles show, there were at least two different ways in which the 'PRU Blue' painted belly bordered to the fuselage. The borderline was either levelled to the Wing chord or to the wing's upper tangent.
The only photo I know from the depicted '23707' indicates that she wore the 'higher blue' variant.

Take her out and have fun!

From the SECTIONF8 Team :


Thanks very much for your interest in our Sabre Project!

It's going to be a nice year for the Sabre, many versions and variants in the pipeline, 6-3 hard wing and CAC Sabre to arrive first shortly.

Here's a few WIP screenies to wet our appetite :






Not only changes to the model to depict the specific variants have been applied, like the enlarged air intake of the CAC Sabre and removable wing root tip of the 6-3 hardwing to make room for the open armament door/step, the base model also sports various enhancements. A.o. a better looking air intake/nose section and better texture mapping here and there.

We will also apply slight changes to the flightmodel to replicate the flight characteristics of the variants.

On top of that you're welcome to visit our brand new website very shortly, professionally created by Richard Plourde ( Taz ). :mixedsmi:

On behalf of the SectionF8 Team,
Best Wishes for 2009 !
Jan :wavey:
Well it seems the new year is beginning very well !

A quick messages to Wild Bill Kelso / JA-111
"Superb RCAF 707" "Historically on target" "Top Gun Digital Artwork Repaint"

Haben Sie haben Neujahr !
Have a happy new year !
Thanks, Jan!

Now I'm looking foreward to the hard wing, as it will allow Luftwaffe repaints for the early Mk.5 Canadair-Sabres, both in blank and camo. :jump:
The 'better texture mapping' will also be very appreciated. :applause:
Bottom nose section, foreward Vstab root and tail cone took me years of my life... :banghead:

Merci beaucoup à VaporZ aussi!

Releasing a 'historcally on target' repaint was my aim. Just to fulfill the requirements of an outstandig aircraft model. Anything less would not have been appropriate...

Jan, I'm simply at a loss for words when it comes to praise on this project. Suffice it to say, that the best really was saved for last. This aircraft alone will make FS9 remain on my HD for a very long time to come.