newbie loving it
I installed mine today. Got it week or so back, but have been super busy. Anyway, I'm new to this sim. I had bought a cd of CFS3 but not installed it, and installer used it to copy necessary files, so I guess it was 3.1. Install went without a hitch. I couldn't wait to try it out, so without reading any manuals ( so I didn't even know the control keys...yes, I was that impatient), I jumped in and started flying. I set everything to 5 or 4 (can't remember for sure on the last couple of settings options, but scenery and terrain to 4 for sure) and am getting 50s and 60s as fps. I picked some mission that put me in an SE-5a and I was flying! Wonderful! Recognized my stick and TrackIR great. I flew around a bit, trying to practice wing man work on another friendly and didn't see the little triplane that got on my tail. He chewed me up a bit, including engine damage, so after shaking him, I had to set it down in a field. Successful landing, but that ended the mission.
What a blast!
I went up next on a quick combat mission that basically had me just flying to waypoints in a Pup over snow covered fields. I got cold!

Gave me a chance to learn some basic keyboard commands and remap some buttons on the Saitek.
I love the way these birds fly, and the sounds are incredible! And the flight modeling....I love the way the frame starts to shake at excessive airspeed in a dive, or the way the whole frame creaks when pulling excessive g's in a tight turn. I'm going to love this thing! I tried to roll the Pup. No go! I think that's great. She did a very nice half loop and roll to gain altitude, though. I loved how her engine would start to stumble if I kept her inverted at the top for very long. Obviously a lot of time went into modeling these birds to be accurate!
Sorry to carry on in a post meant to just say, "I'm up and running."
But, since I'm here, and I'm a total newbie (no prior experience with OFF or CFS), what are the recommended missions/tutorials for getting my air legs, so to speak? I'm an old RB and EAW vet, so I have some basic air combat skills, but it's been a while.
Also, I can't wait to try out this multiplayer thing. Never have done that with any sim!
Finally, there was one issue. When in the Pup mission, I consulted all the various manuals, and when closing out of that, there was a crash. Vista gathered some info and then closed out, but the CFS3 box was still on my task bar, so I clicked on it and the mission picked up where I left off. But when I ended that flight, the whole shooting match closed abruptly, rather than taking me back to any menus. No big deal, as I can read the manuals out of the folder with Adobe. Just thought I'd mention it.
Again, first impressions are VERY favorable! I see myself spending hours on this sim just to hear the engine blip while at idle (that's me blipping the throttle to keep the engine from icing up and stalling out, I imagine) while coming in for a landing.
One last question. Any way to zoom in or out on the mission map?