Well firstly CFS3 will greatly benefit from more CPU so before you change anything that's the first thing I'd do.
I didn't put my comment in bold as it's not the be all and end all. Quick example small improvements, turning off labels, and Z key readout for example 1-2fps. Also others find disabling read vertex and index buffers (or even write buffers) help etc.
There are various sites on improving CFS3 and I'm sure others can link to those, many settings that some will find work others not, but right now until you are familiar I wouldn't mess with cfsconfig more.
As I say try the o/c to 3.6 first and see if you can run on 4 or it feels better.
Thanks for the clarifications. And you're right....do the relatively simple things first in hopes of the major benefit and from that point it's a matter of a couple fps here and a couple of fps there (tweaks..).
On a related note thanks for the "how to enable AA" tip you posted in reply to another question here. I didn't remember to include a comment in my initial post about it and this solved that issue.
You folks obviously have put a lot of time and effort into developing the game and the results are amazing from what I've seen so far, albeit just scratching the surface at this point.
Again, appreciate you guys monitoring the comments here and offering help or suggestions (also surprised to see I'm not the only "old" guy here!)