The traditional post here if you are up and running P3

Up and running....but it took 5 days, and two reloads to get it to work right. Several issues....but last night started a campaign every thing working great but damn Nueport 17 shot me down....crash landed in between the trenches. Got home safely with only 24 days in the hospital. I will be back....
It has finally arrived.Patched, sliders on 5 and up we went.Easy installation and my computer rocks it like hell..yeehaa,.! thanks ODB Team
Hi Winder,

Thanks for the reply.

Forgive my questions - you usually have to hit me on the head with a hammer to make something sink in.

So, if I under stand you correctly, when going into "Quick Combat" play, the sim will now go from the "WWI World Initailising" screen directly to the "Flight" screen ( ground or air start-up position, depending on what I have previously checked)? And that means that I should no longer see the older screen that gave me the set-up choices such as weather, airfield positions, plane choices, and the dude sitting on the crates looking bored? (haha).

Just wanna make sure everything is properly operating the way I see it.

BTW, so far, what I have seen during my limited play as been absolutely fantabulous - worth the wait.

Now, if I could only get the trackir4 to work..... :wavey:
Up and running. A very smooth and trouble free install. Having great fun with the game.
Correct AROTH, goes direct-to-mission and after ending mission goes directly exits back to the manager now.
The mission builder has issues

You can not find the aircraft with the cockpit. You get a pile of choices but its a roll of the dice to get one without a motor stareing you in the face.

Probably wrong thread PD.. yes we are aware of that.
The reason you have craft with no pits is basically choosing models without cockpits as they are none player craft. Has to be the _Sqd model or _QC1 for a player (similar in P2 but names etc may have changed now).

But the shortnames do not have _sqd etc as in game labels would then look bad.

We'll have to look into it.
Permission to shout 'Hoorah' in an annoyingly loud voice!

Got my copy yesterday, installed very easily.
I spent the next hour or so trying to pick my jaw up off the floor!

This is a really first class flight sim, and probably the best ever (I've owned most of them). I love every facet of it, it will set the bench mark for anything that follows.

The scenery is miles ahead of anything I've ever seen before, simply stunning.

Well done to all involved and a big thankyou too. :applause::applause::applause::applause::applause:

(oh and it's worth every penny by the way!)

Clive :)
Permission to shout 'Hoorah' in an annoyingly loud voice!

Got my copy yesterday, installed very easily.
I spent the next hour or so trying to pick my jaw up off the floor!

This is a really first class flight sim, and probably the best ever (I've owned most of them). I love every facet of it, it will set the bench mark for anything that follows.

The scenery is miles ahead of anything I've ever seen before, simply stunning.

Well done to all involved and a big thankyou too. :applause::applause::applause::applause::applause:

(oh and it's worth every penny by the way!)

Clive :)

Hey Clive pleased u are up and running mate - plenty coming still!

Great Clive - fantastic to hear.

WM's scenery has always been some of the best let's hope he gets the credit he deserves for it.
Up and running down here in Oz.

Big thanks to the OFF BHaH crew. :woot:

Received 1430 29Jan09, uneventful install and up and away.

Leutnant Kaiser begins at the bottom of a J curve of learning!

Bloody magnificent!:applause:

Up and running in Indy. Very smooth install on Vista. Snow yesterday cancelled work, made for a fun afternoon over the lines. Incredible job - this is fantastic!! Many thanks to the OFF team. :ernae:

(Stupid question dept: is there a trick to the rockets? My joystick recognizes them (text on screen when I hit the button) but can't get them to fire...probably my JS setup...thx)
I discovered in P2 that bombs and rockets have to be first selected, then fired. I believe you use the backspace key to select weapons, then the Enter key or the key you have assigned to actually fire the weapon. F9 is the bomb/rocket camera.
Up and running, after some really great help and support from the team.:applause:
Up and running. Now I have to run to the computer store to upgrade.

Up and running ...
P3 Xenon 2.4ghz 2gig ram
ATI Radion 9200 256mb

Did a complete uninstall and reinstall..patch to 3.01a...ran the game once. Poped in the DVD ran the installer, pointed it to the install DIR ...waited...install complete.

Fired it up game ran smooth...downed two in QC
Not sure what the ingame setting are but I will look at them and post here.

(Can someone tell me where to find these?)

I had lots of trees and rain on first mission as well as many objects.

Simply a beautiful game.:applause:

glad I bought it!:woot: