FS9 Xtreme Evolution: beta testers wanted!

Filemon - File Access Monitor Program Utility

I have been using this program for years to monitor files accessed in FS9 and it would show last files accessed before a CTD.

I have the W/XP version but a search should yield later versions. Here's pertinent info that may help:

Filemon for Windows 9x/ME/NT/2K/XP
Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell
Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com

Using Filemon

Start Filemon.exe from its home directory. Complete usage
instructions are available in the on-line help file.

See Sysinternals for more monitoring tools, including
a Registry monitor.

Terms of Use

This software is provided "as is", without any guarantee made
as to its suitability or fitness for any particular use. It may
contain bugs, so use of this tool is at your own risk. We take
no responsilbity for any damage that may unintentionally be caused
through its use.

You may not distribute Filemon in any form without express written
permission of Mark Russinovich or Bryce Cogswell.

If you are interested in redistributing Filemon, either in original
or modified form, or wish to use Filemon source code in a product,
please send e-mail to licensing@sysinternals.com with details.

Reporting Problems

If you encounter problems, please visit http://www.sysinternals.com
and download the latest version to see if the issue has been resolved.
If not, please send a bug report to:

mark@sysinternals.com and cogswell@winternals.com
I have been using this program for years to monitor files accessed in FS9 and it would show last files accessed before a CTD.

I have the W/XP version but a search should yield later versions. Here's pertinent info that may help:

Filemon for Windows 9x/ME/NT/2K/XP
Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell
Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com

Using Filemon

Start Filemon.exe from its home directory. Complete usage
instructions are available in the on-line help file.

See Sysinternals for more monitoring tools, including
a Registry monitor.

Terms of Use

This software is provided "as is", without any guarantee made
as to its suitability or fitness for any particular use. It may
contain bugs, so use of this tool is at your own risk. We take
no responsilbity for any damage that may unintentionally be caused
through its use.

You may not distribute Filemon in any form without express written
permission of Mark Russinovich or Bryce Cogswell.

If you are interested in redistributing Filemon, either in original
or modified form, or wish to use Filemon source code in a product,
please send e-mail to licensing@sysinternals.com with details.

Reporting Problems

If you encounter problems, please visit http://www.sysinternals.com
and download the latest version to see if the issue has been resolved.
If not, please send a bug report to:

mark@sysinternals.com and cogswell@winternals.com

May thanks for this Milton:salute::salute::salute:

This should be very helpful!

Dear testers with CTDs, if this is not too much trouble, could you try to get this program set up and run the sim with the addons causing the crashes?

Thanks and have a blessed Sunday!
Screenshot request

Hi all,

when next you fly, would you mind doing a set of specific screenshots? I need a couple of screenshots from each of these sim locations:

1. Feldmann Field 4WI6 Sheboygan Falls Wisconsin

2. Newcastle EGNT Newcastle UK

3. Casale AB LIBR Brindisi Italy

4. Costa Smeralda LIEO Olbia Italy

One normal screenshot of the vicinity as well as on top down view with Ctrl + s will be fine in each case.

If you can, please tell me what landclass is active in the area.

I would like to see if the same set of textures appears at each location. This is the case in my setup with UT coverage even though in reality the geography is quite different.

Thank you!
I do find that the new program is so much more cumbersome than the old one which is just simple and easy. If anyone is interested in the old version, PM me and I'll tell you how to get it.
Feldman Field

Hm, you are getting random trees in certain areas as well, there must be a scenery layering problem. I have the same.

Texture autogen displays properly in other areas, so it's not that.

Do you get the same around EGNT?

Humbly begging for forgiveness lol

Hello Sasha and all !

First I humblyask for forgiveness for my long silence and as I am doing my Mea Culpa I will go the full whack lol

In my haste to install and play or rather test sorry this brilliant addon I completely forgot that there is a so call real world or it calls itself that in any case and so went happily ahead only to suddenly discover I had lost internet and phone connections , yes they do cut off if you forget to pay the bills so I was isolated and unable to communicate with the outside world thus my prolonged silence.

That now being fixed i can post my first report

What can I say superb absolutely superb Sasha you have done some sterling work and FS9 is a whole new experience at least for me.

Ok this is about beta testign so get serious Mats

My only real problem that I encountered was that after installing all the files as per instuctions FS9 loaded fine until about 58 % when it seemed to hang on terrain and then CTD after some experimenting not having internet I discovered just as has been reported here that by putting in my old terrain.cfg and changing nothing else all seemed fine and a whole new world opened up. I have tried to work out why the terrain.cfg you gave us caused this but cannot find an satisfactory explanation at all so I am stumped as to why it does this but as said installing my original terrain.cfg seemd to cure it.

I will post screenshots in next post but I did notice two things which at first perturbed me but reading now I can see others have commented on it and it boils down to taste in the first case.

I had never used the enbbloom utility but went ahead and installed it as supplied by you and found my world to be a bit blueish green lol and the white to be blindingly white but also generally more dark than i was used to it was as if I was flying in a Film Noir lol I have since read that this can be tweaked so will start playing with it, I know his i down to taste and if i could make a recommendation I would say include it as an option and with your excellent comments you have made on its use here on thread in a readme so user can experiment with it in or out so to speak just my two cents. Again this is a matter of taste and has NO bearing on the richness and amount of detail and sheer awesomeness ( is that a word) of the experience in my view.

My second problem which i do no know if others are experiencing are trees suddenly appearing in runways and taxiways of stck airports where before there were none at all , i tried to reduce sliders of autogen to very sparse in increments down form very dense and it seems to have no bearing on the issue, this is happening around stock airports .

I should add that as a Swede I created a new FS9 install which I called Scandinavia which is a default fs9 install into which the only thing i have added are Swedish Norwegian Danish and Finnish aircraft for the moment no addon scenery has been added except some general mesh scenery. My bizarre tree issue happens both with the mesh activated and deactivated and I am using only the default stock airports which I have tweaked in afcad for the three where I seved with the Swedish airforce. Kiruna Uppsala and Lulea.

I know this is a long post Sasha and everybody else so excuse he waffle but felt I should giv Sasha an update as to my silence again sorry for delay

My second problem which i do no know if others are experiencing are trees suddenly appearing in runways and taxiways of stck airports where before there were none at all
You are not alone .. I experienced same at some airports
I noticed also trees spread all the way in some terrains (country side agri)
Trees wonderful trees just not here

as mentioned here come screens of the trees also I have same problem as navtech with lines of trees in places

So far in my travels around the world I have not experienced any trees or other objects on taxiways, or runways - however, I have noted the runways and taxiways, if normally supposed to be asphalt, seem to be a very dark shade of brown instead - Sascha if you check out my screenshots I think you'll see this, maybe a little. I have noted trees are appearing in farmers' fields and, kind-hearted souls and lovers of nature they are, they appear to plough around them:mixedsmi: However, that's the only real problem I see on my sim. I do not have any add-on terrain of any kind (UT, etc), stock FS9, only additions are Rwy12 objects plus NovaGold, some AI traffic as well - also all of CalClassic's period airports for my sim. No problems with those sceneries at all. I too have replaced the new terrain config with the original terrain config file after experiencing that hangup, then CTD. Mine occuurred at about 78%, while installing scenery objects. Since putting the orig terrain config back in, no problems at all. No effect on frame rates. Sascha has opened a whole new world with this Beta version, looking forward to the finished product.