FS9 Xtreme Evolution: beta testers wanted!

hmmm...can't think of a scenery besides UT EUR that would change that....Can anyone else see if they have the same crash at ETEJ in a 10 Mile radius?
hmmm...can't think of a scenery besides UT EUR that would change that....Can anyone else see if they have the same crash at ETEJ in a 10 Mile radius?

Addon airports sometimes replace default bgls of a certain area, maybe to get a better local mesh or landclass, I don't know the intricacies of custom scenery design.

Is ETEJ an addon airport?

Hi all,

I have a general question: As I'm busy slapping street lights into the scenery, I wanted to know how you fell about rural lights!

Now in general if you fly at night you usually see mostly dark. Cities and towns and some villages stand out but late at night even villages are mostly blacked-out. Occasional industrial parks and large agricultural farms/factories might also have some all-night lights.

Due to the repetitive and limited FS9 terrain placing some lights onto rurl textures will definitely make the place look more interesting but there will always be too many lights in some areas.

Now before I proceed on the rural lights I would ask - would you favour realism i.e. very few lights or more interesting scenery with mo lights which will definitely be unrealistic in some areas?

I'd go with fewer - maybe no more than one light location per rural area - as in the areas I have experience with, rural areas tend to be very empty. Perhaps this is not so in more hospitable parts of the world?
Sascha, no ETEJ is Bamberg Army Airfield, or Bamberg AAF in FS9 in Germany. Stock airport depicted in FS9 as just a runway. The only addition that I have done there is placed buildings using Flight1's Instant Scenery.
I'd go with fewer - maybe no more than one light location per rural area - as in the areas I have experience with, rural areas tend to be very empty. Perhaps this is not so in more hospitable parts of the world?

Well flying over Germany which is pretty densely populated sometimes you get the feeling you are flying over the ocean - only the occasional twinkle, even large towns are difficult to see unless it is very clear.

I'll have to try and get a balance, maybe having very few locations as you suggested per set will produce a better result, maybe with a small cluster of lights each and a lightened up texture eg industrial park in the texture.
I already have a set of custom night textures so doing that should not be too hard.

Sascha, no ETEJ is Bamberg Army Airfield, or Bamberg AAF in FS9 in Germany. Stock airport depicted in FS9 as just a runway. The only addition that I have done there is placed buildings using Flight1's Instant Scenery.

Ho Hum, maybe Flight1 Instant Scenery is having a conflict - I don't own that but I'll see what I can find out about it.

Instant Scenery only places library objects into a scene, so the resulting BGL files should not affect anything important.

That said, you should NEVER have run Instant Scenery in this FS session when testing anything. Always restart FS and get a fresh FS program - IS changes many things in the FS visual world. For example, shadows may disappear for any objects being displayed by IS, often autogen buildings that have been excluded may reappear, and animated objects may be oddly "exploded". Always restart and be safe.
hmmmm...As soon as I get where you are on the runway facing the autobahn it stutters, then as soon as I hit the autobahn it crashes..
hmmmm...As soon as I get where you are on the runway facing the autobahn it stutters, then as soon as I hit the autobahn it crashes..

I am really sorry about that! So far I could not reproduce any crash found even when installing the offending scenery. The only scenery I couldn't install is the VOZ because it will overwrite my textures. This has me stumped :pop4:.

Well with any luck the problem will go away with the reworked textures, I am already using them so maybe that is why I am not having the CTD.

You could also try to use the Germany landclass from this package if you are not using it already: http://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=kaufbeuren&CatID=root&Go=Search

Much better than deafault or even UT IMO.


No probems here ....




Hi all,

here is a short update:

I am behind schedule, I still have about 8 texture sets of autogen annotations to do. Unfortunately I'll be attending a conference (fortunately in Paris) until Thursday so won't get anything done.

But progress is being made overall and Beta 2 approaches ever closer!

SSI01 is still in the running, Sascha. I have had no crashes, no tree issues, everything is running fine. Tempted to install this package as is into the other sims (it's that much of an improvement) but as it's a Beta I'm holding off. Really looking forward to the next step!:jump: